mass spectroscopy

Cards (6)

  • mass spectrum:
    • fingerprint for the molecule that can be identified by a computer
    • gives relative molecular mass
    • fragmentation patterns also give clues about the carbon skeleton
  • what are the 3 uses of mass spectrum?
    1. identify unknown compounds
    2. to determine the abundance of each isotope in an element
    3. to gain more information
  • how does mass spectroscopy work?
    Bombardment (with electrons)
    Accelerate (the particle through the machine)
    Deflected (based upon mass:charge ratio)
  • what are two potential flaws of mass spectroscopy?
    neutral species are not detected and mass spectroscopy cause free radicals
  • uses of mass spectroscopy:
    1. identifying elements
    2. mars probe
    3. monitoring levels of environmental pollution
    4. determination of isotopic masses
  • M+1 peak is because of isotopes