The Rebellion of Hereward Wake

Cards (8)

  • Who rebelled against William?
    Hereward, alongside King Swein of Denmark and Morcar
  • Where did they rebel?
    Fenlands of East Anglia, setting up base on the island of Ely
  • How did William initially try to combat this?
    Ordered 3km of Wooden causeway across the Marshland to the island
  • How did the first plan fail?
    The causeway collapsed due to number of soldiers crossing
  • What was the second plan?
    Ordered a siege tower to be built, and apparently got a local witch to shout curses and abuse at the rebels
  • How did the second plan fail?
    Hereward burnt down the tower
  • What was the third plan?
    Convinced local Monks to reveal their location
  • What was the result of the plan?
    William arrested the rebels, including Morcar. However, Hereward escaped