Formation of plural

Cards (6)

  • Regular plural:
    • /s/ is added to most nouns
    • /es/ is added to
    => Nouns ending in sibilant sound
    -> E.g. Buses, brushes, phases, roses, ...
    => Nouns enidng /o/, except when followed by vowel, ethnic names, and abbreviations
    -> E.g. Echoes, heroes, potatoes, ...
    -> E.g. Embryos, radios, Filipinos, demos, ...
    • Ending in /y/ with (consonant sound) have /ies/
    -> E.g. Enemies, spies, babies, ...
  • Regular plural:
    • Few nouns double final consonant
    -> E.g. Quizzes, fezzes, ...
    • /'s/ is used afters letters
    -> E.g. H's, i's, ...
    • Numerals and abbreviations are spelled without apostrophe
    -> E.g. 1960s, MPs, ...
  • Irregular plurar:
    • Nouns with voiceless fricative, voice the fricative in plural
    (/f/->/v/, /th/->/th/, /s/->/z/)
    -> E.g. Elves, shelves, wolves, baths, mouths, houses, ...
    • 3 words have plural in -en => Oxen, children, and brethren
    • Vowel change
    -> E.g. Teeth, geese, mice, women, ...
  • Irregular plural:
    • Zero plural
    => Animal names in collective sense
    -> E.g. Bison, carp, deer, salmon, moose, ...
    => Nationality names in /ese/
    -> E.g. Chinese, Vietnamese, Japanese, ...
    => Tribal and ethnic names
    -> E.g. Apache, Bantu, Hopi, ...
    => Some nouns ending in /s/ or /z/
    -> E.g. Barracks, means, species, ...
    => Other cases such as offspring and craft
  • Irregular plural:
    • Nouns from Latin and Greek
    => Ending in /us/ take /i/
    -> E.g. Radii, stimuli, fungi, cacti, ...
    => Ending in /a/ take /ae/
    -> E.g. Larvae, algae, ...
    => Ending in /um/ take /a/
    -> E.g. Errata, bacteria, aquaria, ...
    => Ending in /ex/ or /ix/ take /es/ or /ices/
    -> E.g. Apexes, helices, apendices, vertexes, ...
    => Ending in /is/ take /es/
    -> E.g. Analyses, bases, ...
    => Ending in /on/ take /a/
    -> E.g. Phenomena, criteria, ...
  • Plural of compound words:
    • Most cases plural added to last element
    -> E.g. Gin-and-tonics, baby-sitters, close-ups, take-offs, ...
    • First element takes plural when noun is followed my postmod or adverbial particle
    => Noun + prepo + noun
    -> E.g. Mothers-in-law, men-of-war, commanders-in-chief, ...
    => Noun + adjective
    -> E.g. Poets laureate, attorneys general, courts material, ...
    => Noun + adverbial particle
    -> Passers-by, goings-on, ...
    • Both take plural wshen first is "(wo)man"
    -> E.g. Menservants, women doctors, ...