
Cards (17)

  • What type of theory are Marxists and why?
    Conflict theory because they are critical of society and think that it isn't 'fair'
  • Feudalism
    All wealth is in the form of land which is owned by a monarch who shares it out to aristocrats who rent it to peasants. There is no social mobility as our positions are decided from birth
  • Capitalism
    Monarch's and Aristocrats's power was replaced by power of people who worked in industry, even thought the working class jobs were exploitative and underpaid.
    • The Bourgeoisie - all powerful in society, control media, government etc.
    • The Proletariat - working class who make profit through their work but are exploited by the wealthy so have a small profit
  • Marxists believe capitalism is an unjust system that will inevitably be replaced by a fairer system.
  • What is Communism according to Marx?
    A system where everyone willingly contributes, whilst taking only what they need from society.
  • According to Marx, institutions exist to...
    1. Force proletariat to keep working + being exploited
    2. Trick the proletariat into thinking the system is fair
  • Evaluating Marxists

    Overly Pessimistic - functional sociologists view at least some of societies institutions as positive
    Historically inaccurate - no state has gone through marx's 3 stages, with some skipping capitalism (USSR) and some 'stuck' in capitalism (UK)
    Economic determinism - too focussed on wealth, feminists argue that oppressions are based on gender instead/
  • Hegel's dialectic

    Marx uses this to explain how history moves through different stages and will eventually move to a communist state. Called historical materialism as history develops on the basis of material goods
  • Humanistic Marxism : Gramsci
    Argues that people choose to live under capitalism, but only because we don't know of any alternatives. We see non-capitalist options as oppressive and restricting.
  • Gramsci's Centaur
    The human front is the state institutions that convince us capitalism is best. The horse back is the force that can be used to make us accept capitalism.
  • Evaluating Gramsci
    Functionalists (Parsons) argue that the media reflect societies values rather than enforcing them, as they are a product of consensus not capitalism.
  • Scientific Marxism : Althusser
    Believes that choice is an illusion, and ISA and RSA prevent anyone from making a choice. This hasn't changed from Marx's time and never will.
  • Evaluating Althusser
    Fails to add anything to Marx's theory, and downplays the role of free will, treating the proletariat as a group who are steered by forces outside their control.
  • The Frankfurt School : Adorno
    Classic version of Neo-Marxism, studied the reasons people support fascists using the 'authoritarian personality'. Applies to capitalism as people are turned towards it because they don't know anything else and need to survive.
  • The Frankfurt School : Habermas
    We are convinced we need things in capitalist society. There is a split between 'real needs' and 'false needs', where a false need is the need for authoritarian leaders to keep us safe.
  • Evaluating The Frankfurt School
    Impossible to measure, define or observe. It's bad sociology as the theories are completely untestable. A positivist like Durkhiem would argue that if theories can't be tested objectively, they should be assumed to be false.
  • Poststructural Marxism : Zizek

    Capitalism has created a world so full of symbols that everything is effectively meaningless. We can't understand the world or decode its meanings.
    This has led to a desire to return to a more animalistic, uncivilised era. The world is dominated by 'the symbolic' and we want to return to 'the real' which is reflected in our attraction to violence