Strength of Ainsworth's strange situation - types of attachment: good predictive validity
P - Good predictive validity.
- Findings predict a number of aspects of the baby's later development.
E - A large body of research has shown that infants assess as Type B (secure) tend to have better outcomes.
- In both later childhood and adulthood.
- In childhood this includes better achievment in school and less involvement in bullying.
- In adulthood this includes better mental health.
- Those babies assessed as having Type C (insecure resistant) and those not falling into Types A, B, and C tend to have the worst outcomes.
A - Strange situation measures something important that's associated with later development.
- Not all psychologists believe it measures attachment.
- Suggested that genetically-influenced anxiety levels could account for variations in attachment behaviour in the SS and later development.
- May not actually measure attachment.
K - Strange situation measures something real and meaningful in a baby's development.