Energy resources

Cards (21)

  • Energy can come from fossil fuels, oil and natura gas
  • A renewable energy source is one of that is being or can be replenished as it is used meaning you wont run out of it
  • an example of non renewable energy resource is fossil fuels : coal and oil and natural gas
  • Fossil fuels can be burned to heat water. This produces steam the steam turn the turbine which powers a generator
  • Advantages of fossil fuels is that its more reliable
  • Disadvantages of fossil fuels is that its bad for the environment
  • When fossil fuels are burned we call this reaction combustion
    fuel + oxygen= co2 + water
  • Most fuels including coal contain carbon and hydrogen and may also contain some sulfur
  • Burning fuels can result in carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide which is harmful for humans as it binds to blood cells around the body
  • Nuclear fuels release energy through nuclear reactions which can break the atomic nuclei … proton and neutrons
  • Energy released through the nuclear reaction is used to heat energy to produce steam similar to burning fossil fuels
  • Nuclear energy leads to radioactive waste and is expensive but it isnt bad for the environment or emit any greenhouse gases
  • A non renewable resource cant be replenished
  • sulfur dioxide links to acid rain
  • Biofuels have lower co2 emissions but require expensive Specialist equipment
  • Wind is renewable but can be noisy and look uglt
  • Hydro electric power is renewable and doesnt release pollutant gases but can harm the environment by flooding
  • Geothermal is renewable because the Core remains hot
  • Tidal is renewable and reliable
  • Solar energy is renewable but is unreliable and expensive
  • Water waves is renewable and doesnt release green house gases but can be expensive and machines can be damaged by storms or bad weather