air spaces between the cells allow gases to diffuse through the leaf
xylem vessels
transportswater and minerals through the plant, from the roots to the leaves. Also supports the plant
phloem vessels
transports dissolved food materials through the plant
meristem tissue
found mainly at the tips of rootsandshoots, where it can produce new cells for growth
why are many chloroplasts close to the top of the leaf?
to trap maximum sunlight
why are there so many air spaces?
to allow gasses to diffuse
what does the stomata do?
allows the diffusion of gases inandout of the leaf. can be opened by guard cell
what is transpiration?
when the waterdiffusesout of the stomata after the water and minerals are carried to the leaves by the xylemvessels
factors which affect rate of transpiration :
temperature, light intensity, humidity, fast wind
why are the stomata closed at night?
carbon dioxide is not needed for photosynthesis, so closing reduceswaterloss
how can the rate of transpiration from a cut shoot be estimated?
measuring the rate at which the shoot takes up water
what is translocation?
transport of dissolved sugars around the plant in the phloem
what happens when water is plenty?
guard cells take up water and bend. this causes stomatatoopen, so gases for photosynthesis are able to move in and out of the stomata along with water from transpiration