Location of research

Cards (17)

  • A lab experiment establishes cause and effects as there are 2 controls of iv. It is also a controlled experiment.
  • Positive of a lab expeirment:
    Its ev's and cv's can be controlled
    The study is replicable (standardised procedure)
    Experienter has control and can establish cause and effect
  • Negatives of a lab experiment:
    Participants could guess the aim
    It's in an unrealistic setting so results may not be appliable
  • A field experiment is done in a natural environment which established cause and effect
  • Positives of a field study:
    Its a real life situation which means it has high real mundane realism
    They are reduced demand characteristics
  • Negatives of field study:
    Hard to control ev's and cv's
    Ethical issuse may occur
  • Online research is reaserch which is gathered from online resources,for example, questionaires.
  • Positives of online research:
    Theres a large sample
    Diverse group able to answer
    A lot cheaper
  • Negatives of online research:
    Biased sample
    Easy to lie which would affect ecological validity
  • A Quasi experiment is where the iv isn't under direct control of the researcher
  • A difference study is a study that compares two groups of participants and looks for differences between them, for example, gender, age , anxiety
  • A natural experiment is when the IV is not manipulated by the researcher, but is naturally occurring
  • Positives of quasi experiments:
    Allows us to research real-life problems
  • Negatives of quais experiments:
    Difficulty for replication
    Participants can't be randomly assigned
  • Advantages of field based studies include naturalistic observation (participants behave as they would normally) and ecological validity (results apply to real life situations)
  • Field based studies are conducted outside of the lab, where participants are observed behaving naturally in their own environments
  • Lab based studies are conducted in an artificial environment, which can be controlled to ensure that the variables being tested have no other influence on them