health and disease

Cards (15)

  • Health
    A state of both physical and mental well-being
  • We don't see ourselves as either healthy or unhealthy, instead we exist on a spectrum with some people being either more or less healthier than others in certain ways
  • Factors for good health

    • A well-balanced diet
    • Getting enough exercise
    • Getting enough sleep
    • Having access to medical care
    • Preventive medicines like vaccines
  • Factors for poor health
    • Lack of the factors for good health
    • Too much stress
  • Disease
    A large group of conditions that can cause ill health
  • Types of diseases
    • Communicable diseases (infectious diseases)
    • Non-communicable diseases
  • Communicable diseases
    • Can spread from person to person or between animals and people
    • Caused by viruses, bacteria, parasites, and fungi
  • Communicable diseases
    • Common cold
    • Malaria
    • Meningitis
  • Non-communicable diseases
    • Can't be spread between different people
    • Generally start more slowly and last a long time, with some never going away
  • Problems with the immune system
    Increased susceptibility to communicable diseases
  • Some viruses

    Can cause certain cancers (e.g. HPV and cervical cancer)
  • Immune system overreacting to a pathogen

    Can cause skin rashes and asthma
  • Severe physical health problems
    Can have a big impact on mental health, potentially causing depression or chronic anxiety
  • The immune system is the body's defense against infection, illness, and foreign substances.
  • Immune cells are specialized white blood cells that defend the body from pathogens and other threats.