A hypothesis is the aim of the research or a testbaaleprediction
Controls are put in place to limit effects of confousing and extraneuos variables
Confouding variables are variables that are not controlled by the researcher but are still included in the study
EXtraneous variables are external factors that can affect the results of the experiment.
3 emelents to a hypotheses:
relationship + dv + 2 levels of iv
An alternative hypothise is when a prediction of what is going to happen is made(there are two types, directional, non-directional)
A direcetional hypothesise states which way the experiement will go
A non-directional hypothesise states there will be a difference but not which way
The null hypothesis predicts no significant relationship between the independent variable and dependent variable
Standardised procedures are used to ensure that all participants are exposed to the same stimulus and that all participants are exposed to the same procedure.
Confounding variables are variables that are not controlled for in the experiment but affect the results