
Cards (40)

  • hemoglobin - The most important intracellular buffer
  • 7.4 - Ph of blood?
  • Gastric Juice - Contains water, mucus, enzyme
  • Tears - Produced by lacrimal gland
  • Sebum - Produced by sebaceous gland
  • Carbonate Bicarbonate - Main extracellular buffer system
  • Respiratory Alkalosis - Type of alkalosis that can arise from hyper ventilation
  • 2 (weak base and acid) - Buffer is composed of what ?
  • Phospholipid Bilayer - cell membrane has what lipid?
  • Golgi Layer - processes, pack and sorts
  • Cell Wall - cannot be found in animal cells
  • Smooth ER - is responsible for storage and release of calcium
  • Cell wall - U can find in plant cell but not in animal cell
  • Golgi Apparatus - NOT found in bacterial cell
  • Endocytosis - NOT a type of passive transport
  • Hypertonic - Water leaves the cell causing it to shrink
  • Amylase - Enzyme present in saliva that partially digest starch
  • Bile - Functions as fat emulsifier
  • Ninhydrin test- Test used to determine amino acid
  • Yes - Ribose-Aldopentoes?
  • Glucose - Most important monosaccharides
  • Glycosidic Bond - Bond to link 2 monosaccharides
  • Starch - Type of sugar for energy storage in plants
  • Heparin - Anticoagulant carbohydrates
  • Poly unsaturated - Containing 2 or more double bonds
  • HDL - Lipoprotein decreases risk for cardiovascular disease
  • Bromine - Test to measure unsaturation of oil, fat, wax
  • Bromine - Color orange
  • Iodine - Color red
  • Waxes - Simple lipids that contain high molecular weight alcohol
  • Glycolipids - Lipids that contain fatty acids and carbohydrates
  • Derived lipid - cholesterol is what kind of lipid?
  • simple lipids - butter is what kind of lipid?
  • Derived lipid - Testosterone is what kind lipid?
  • Simple - fats and wax is an example of Simple or Complex?
  • Complex - lipo is simple or complex?
  • Derived lipid - vitamins, hormones, prostaglandins are example of what kind of lipid?
  • Lipids - insoluble in water but soluble in organic solvents such as ether, benzene, alcohol, etc.
  • Lipids - hydrophobic molecules that dissolve in nonpolar solvents.
  • Simple - fatty acids, triglycerides, phospholipids, steroids are examples of what kind of lipid?