- incubator goslings imprinted onto Lorenz, following him around rather than the mother goose (+ viceversa)
- when all the goslings were placed in a box and then released, the goslings who had imprinted on Lorenzfound him and continued to follow him (+ viceversa)
- Lorenz found a critical period of 32 hours;if a gosling did not imprint on a large moving object during this time,it lost its ability to imprint
- infant monkeys spent most of their time with the 'towel mother' (comfort),only visiting the 'food mother' when they needed to eat, but quickly returning to towel mother
- returned to 'towel mother' when frightened, no access to towel mother showed sings of stress-related illness
- found in follow-up studies that the maternaldeprivation caused resulted in permanent social disorders in the monkeys as adults (difficulty in mating behaviour and raising their offspring)
- rhesus monkeys have a biological need for physical contact and will attach to whatever provides comfort, even in the presence of food - provides evidence AGAINST the cupboard love theory