Cebu - 280mm of rain and winds reaching a maximum of 314km/hour
How high were the waves that hit Cebu

Primary effects
8,000 people killed
1 million homes destroyed or damaged
1.9 million people were made homeless
Strong winds damaged electricity lines and water supplies were contaminated by salt water from the storm surge
How much was the cost of the damage
13 million dollors
Secondary effects
flooding triggered several landslides - which blocked roads and delayed the arrival of aid
5.6 million workers lost their jobs after business and agricultural land were destroyed
The lack of clean water caused outbreaks of diseases such as dysentery
Long term responses
UN appealed for over $300 million to help fun rebuilding and relief
Charities built new storm resistant houses for those who lost their homes
Philippines tourism board encouraged people to visit by emphasizing most areas were unaffected and that money from tourism would help rebuilding efforts.
Immediate responses
PAGASA broadcasts warning about the typhoon two days before - led to evacuation of 800,000 residents - people died when evacuation centers became flooded
Fishermen were warned not to go to sea
Philippine's declared state of emergency - charities then offered aid in the form of food shelter and water
Plan international construction pit latrines for 100,000 people to help prevent the spread of diseases