Theory of planned behaviour

Cards (9)

  • Who came up with the theory of planned behaviour?
    Azjen (1991)
  • What is the theory of planned behaviour?
    A theoretical model that attempts to describe the components involved in making a behavioural decision
  • What factors are discussed in the theory of planned behaviour?
    Personal attitudes
    Subjective norms
    Perceived behavioural control
  • What is self-efficacy?

    The persons belief in their ability to carry out a behaviour
  • Who supports the theory of planned behaviour?
    Hager (2011) - all 3 factors predicted an intention to limit drinking to the guideline of units
  • What does the theory of planned behaviour not take into account?
    Emotions, these may explain irrational behaviour
  • What technique assesses intention?
    Self report
  • What other factors could influence behaviour?
    Group variables like identification with peers
  • Does intention predict behaviour?
    It may be an oversimplification - intention is necessary but not enough