matterdividesintosmallercomponentswhensufficientforceisapplied, component parts can acquire newphysicalproperties such as new edges, but the physiochemical propertiesremainthesame as original
consequences of divisibility of matter
some characteristicsretained by the traces arecommontotheoriginal, lost/ changed or uniquetotheoriginal
leads to identification
principles of exchange
everycontactleavesatrace (locards principle)
consequences of principles of exchange
traces can come from the offender, witness/victim and then pickedupbyoffender or traces can be left by differententities who are involved in the crime
consequence of divisibilityofmatter
"characteristics are commontooriginal"
consequence of divisibilityofmatter
"characteristics are uniquetooriginal"
narrows down the classtoonemember
answers the who and what question
consequence of principlesofexchange
"traces are left after every interaction"
linksapersontoacrime and allows identification
orderingtheassociations based on physical evidence to answer where, how and when questions
types of characteristics
intrinsic = source = features such as size, texture, shape, physicalproperties
extrinsic = activity = how is it formed eg number, amount, pattern, position