Safety signage remind operators to be cautious, PPE available and always worn, staff to be aware of hot work area hazards
Strict policies around the failure to wear PPE, such as the rules around gross negligence to terminate employment immediately, if a member of staff is found to be unsafe
Regular training offered by an employer to staff involved in the process
Staff who are untrained are prohibited from entering dangerous areas of the workplace
Access to first aid equipment, including fire blankets and a suitably qualified first aider on site
No lone working in case of an emergency
Fire and explosion evacuation routes planned and practised by all employees
Access and training in the use of fire extinguishers
Foundry technicians to conduct and note handover at every shift change
Training in the use of natural gas
Gas manual and emergency cut off valves tested regularly
Routine maintenance performed on extraction systems
Work areas well ventilated, workers to take regular breaks