Catholic Stewardship

Cards (8)

    • “You made him to have dominion over the works of your hands; you have put all things under his feet” - Psalm 8:6
    • Given dominion (duty to care for the word) and life - gift from God + special duty (responsible for preserving environment)
    • Reduce, reuse, recycle + stop using fossil fuels, polluting planet - try live sustainable way (environmental responsibility)
    • Ourselves = global citizens (part of worldwide community + world = our home)
    • No over use of worlds resources - realise out actions can impact others
    • Pope Francis - "Laudato Si" (On care for our common home)
    Calls on people to 1. take better care of Earth
    2. think carefully on how we shape Earths future
    3. Urgency for environmental change
    • Promote global citizenship
    • Aim + sustainable development protecting earth
    • Campaign = 'One climate, one world' (Organised in response to needs of poorest communities + Pope Francis' call to care for "our common home". CAFOD climate deal (Paris - Dec 2015) LOW CARBON future. Global temp increase NO MORE than 2°. Financial support to cope with climate change impact.
    CAMPAIGN FOCUSSES ON: climate change, deforestation, pollution, poverty, famine, injustice.
    • making sure we only buy food we need
    • recycle when possible
    • using + promoting renewable energy
    • reducing carbon footprint
    • raising awareness of these issues