women in the home

Cards (15)

  • what is a kyria
    The female head of the household
  • What was Pericles' comment on the virtue of a woman?
    greatest (glory) will be hers who is least talked about among the men whether for good or bad
  • What is a parthenos?
    unmarried virgin greek girl
  • What is a Nymphe?
    a married Athenian woman who had not yet given birth to a child
  • What is a gyne?
    a married Athenian woman who had given birth to a child
  • What was the most important duty of a Kyria?
    producing a male son to be heir
  • What are stelai
    stone slabs, often with patterns or images carved on them, indicating where a body was buried.
  • What is the grave stele of Ampharete?
    date - 400BC, found in Athens, commemorates the death of an Athenian woman.
  • What features highlight on Ampharete's modesty?
    She wears a chiton (tunic) with a himation (outer garmet) over her head. The scene is framed with walls around her so she is inside. She is in a motherly, paternal pose.
  • How was the medical understanding of giving birth in Athens?

    Very lacking, miscarriage and complications at birth were common place, many women and children died in childbirth.
  • How was infertility viewed in Athens?
    very lacking, miscarriage and complications at birth were common place, many women and children died in childbirth.
  • How was infertility viewed in Athens?

    as an issue from the woman - men weren't seen as infertile
  • What solutions did they have for infertility in Athens?
    Potions, ointments, fragrances
  • What happened when remedies for infertility failed in Athens?

    They would turn to the gods. Particularly the god of medicine - Asclepius.
  • How did women use the gods to help with fertility in Athens?

    She would spent the night in Asclepius' shrine at Epidauros, and, it was believed, divine snakes would visit the woman to cure their infertility.