Trusted more by women causing suspicion in men who brought her to court thinking she was seducing her wives. Her body was revealed and she was sentenced to death but the women stood up for her.
Refered to by Plutarch as highly influential as Cethegus, who at the time all acts needed to be passed through, would only do things with her approval.
Indirectly changed the law to allow plebian men to apply for consulship by making her father know of her jelousy of her sisters patrician husband who was consul.
Rome engaged in a costly war (215 BCE) so the consuls passed a law for the women to give in all the gold and silver from their jewellery, stopping them from publicly displaying wealth.
As told in The Conspiracy of Catiline by Sallust, the wife of a prominant senator, ideal matrona, very accomplished and co-conspiritor in the Catilinarian Conspiracy.
she revealed herself as a women, but that just caused more prosecution. Then, the Athenian women stormed the case and appealed and said that Agnodice was important for women'shealth. The court decided to let women practice medicine after that.
What is the story of Agnodice an example of?
not only women having male roles, but also women in Athen's involvement in politics once it really effected them personally
What could be an issue surrounding Agnodice's story?