The theory points to the importance of early socialisation and family relationships in understanding criminal behaviour
Psychoanalytic explanations have had some influence on policies for dealing with crime
Freud Psychoanalysis:
Critics doubt the existence of an ‘unconscious mind’- how could we know about it, if its unconscious?
Psychoanalytic explanations are unscientific and subjective- they rely on accepting the psychoanalysts claims that they can see into the workings of the individuals unconscious mind to discover their inner conflicts and motivation.
Bowlby Maternal Deprivation:
Bowlby‘s research showed that more of his sample of 44 juvenile delinquents had suffered of maternal deprivation (39%) than a control group of non-delinquents (5%)
His work shows the need to consider the parent-child relationships in explaining criminality
Bowlby Maternal Deprivation:
It was a retrospective study, where delinquents ans their mothers had to accurately recall past events. This can be a problem especially if it involved in recalling emotive experiences
Bowlby accounts for the delinquency of 39% of the children in terms of maternal deprivation but doesn’t explain why the other 61% were delinquent. Deprivation cannot be the only cause
Bowlbys own later study of 60 children who had been separated from their parents for long periods before they were 5, found no evidence of affection-less psychopathy.
Bowlby Maternal Deprivation:
Limitations (2):
Bowlby overestimates how far early childhood experiences has a permanent effect on later behaviour. This is also a criticism of Freud
Sammons and Putwain note that the idea of a link between maternal deprivation and criminality is no longer widely accepted.