Told in Ovid's Metamorphoses. Echo was a mountain nymph who had offended the Goddess Hera by not allowing her to spy on her husband. Echo was cursed by Hera to only repeat the last words spoken, unable to communicate her love to Narcissus.
'Sibilance - intimate quality, serpent - original sin, juxtaposition, oxymoron - extent of emotion, inner conflict, apostrophe - private addressal, voyeuristic, inability to communicate linking back to the myth of Echo, muted consonance - contributed to hushed tones'
'Conflict with desire and faith, purity of love, infantilised (Matthew 19 'Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these'), parallelism'
'Repetitive motif of water - baptism, Mark 16 Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, link to the death of Narcissus, destructive desire + consequences of love'
'Anaphora - distress, archaism - biblical allusion, faith in love + internal conflict between love and faith, caesura - emotive qualities, endstop - the definite nature of both time and death, juxtaposition - desire for a dreamlike state'
'we who are still alive will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air', desire to abandon mortal form, anaphora - longing for lover - religious interrelation 'do not take to lord's name in vain', 'abide' biblical emphasis, 'when people rise from death ,there will be no marriage. People will not be married to each other .they will be like angels in heaven' - Matthew 22:30'
''blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted', lust & desire - conflict between earthly and heavenly loyalties, 'window to the soul', connections to fight and reality - choice to be blind - innate human desire'
'Jesus Christ said "i am the door; whoever enters through me shall be saved' John 10, imperative - strength of desire, speaking in heaven - painful wait for lover, like an echo - unable to realise'
'Revelations 21 ; he will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, death as the final destination - irreversible quality, alliteration + juxtaposition - the slim line between life and death'
'Loss of love materialising into physical sensations - extreme nature of love, juxtaposition between life and death - the complementary nature of the two'
'Finished vitality - an echo of time - the myth of Echo and how she continuously fails to calls for her lover - longing + the cyclical nature of life and suffering, synecdoche - desire to donate full self - Genesis 2, physically out of breathe - anticipation - rhythmical connotation'
Greek myth: Narcissus gazed + fell in love with his reflection in the water. Motif of water. drowned while looking at his own reflection. Reflects what love can take away from us. Urging him to lean lower and drown so that she is reunited with him. - desire for death
‘Speak low’ - hides desperation because she is aware of the controversy behind this statement.
'Questions + repetition - loss of identity = soul sleep, lives on through the foggy and perverse recollection of memories, rhetorical question - the lingering nature of memories'