Circe’s house to fetch the deadbody of Elpenor’ [ Odysseus ]
‘What audcaity… to descend
alive into the house of Hades! Other men die once; you will now dietwice‘ [ Circe ]
‘Your next encounter
will be with the Sirens’ [ Circe ]
‘This will allow you
to listen with enjoyment to the Siren’svoices’ [ Circe ]
‘Though I cannot give you precise
advice - you must choose for yourself - I will tell you about both’ [ Circe ]
Odysseus I epithet?
Illustrious Odysseus
‘It is the home of Scylla,
the creature with the dreadfulbark’ [ Circe ]
‘No crew can boast they ever
sailed their ship past Scylla unscathed, for from every blue-prowed vessel she snatches and carries off a man with each of her heads’ [ Circe ]
‘Heaven keep you from
the spot when she does this because not even the Earthshaker could save you from the destruction’ [ Circe ]
Charybdis D epithet?
Deadly Charybdis
‘But if you hurt them,
then I predict the destruction of your ship and your company’ [ Circe ]
‘Then Circe, that formidable
goddess with the beautiful hair and a woman’svoice, sent us the friendly escort of a favourable wind’ [ Odysseus ]
‘It is not right that only one
or two of us should know the prophecies that divine Circe has made to me, and I am going to passthem on to you’ [ Odysseus ]
Odysseus I epithet?
Illustrious Odysseus
‘No seaman ever sailed his black ship
past this spot without listening to the honey-sweet tones that flow from our lips‘ [ Siren ]
‘We are men who have met trouble before.
And this trouble is no worse than when the Cyclops used his brutal strength to imprison us in his cave’ [ Odysseus ]
‘Yet my courage, strategy and
intelligence found a way out for us even from there; and I am sure that this too will be a memory for us one day’ [ Odysseus ]
’The crew obeyed
me immediately’ [ Odysseus ]
‘But I allowed myself to forget
Circe’s irksome instruction not to arm myself’ [ Odysseus ]
‘My men turned
Pale with terror’ [ Odysseus ]
‘In all I have gone through as
I explored the pathways of the seas, I have never had to witness a more pitiable sight than that’ [ Odysseus ]
‘And there came into my mind
the words of Tiresias, the blind Theban prophet, and of Circe of Aeaea, who had each been so insistent in warning me to avoid this Island’ [ Odysseus ]
‘You must be made of iron
through and through to forbid your men…‘ [ Eurylochus ]
‘This speech of Eurylochus
was greeted by applause from all the rest’ [ Odysseus ]
‘the crew agreed and gave
the promise I had asked for’ [ Odysseus ]
‘My strong-willed
company accepted this’ [ Odysseus ]
‘In the meantime Eurylochus
Was broaching a wickedscheme to his mates’ [ Odysseus ]
‘All forms of death are
abominable, but death by starving is the most miserable way to meet one’s doom’ [ Eurylochus ]
‘Their prayers done, they slit
the cows’ throats and flayed them…’ [ Odysseus ]
‘I exclaimed in horror and
called out to the immortal gods’ [ Odysseus ]
‘As for the culprits, I will
soon strike their ship with a blinding bolt out on the wine-dark sea and smash it to pieces’ [ Zeus ]
‘There was no homecoming
for them: the god saw to that’ [ Odysseus ]
‘And thanks to the Father of men and
Gods Scylla did not catchsight of me’ [ Odysseus ]
‘Nine days of drifting followed;
but in the night of the tenth the gods washed me up on the island of Ogygia’ [ Odysseus ]