The arrangement of the parts of an organism or object around an axis or line so that the parts are balanced
Sponges, the only animal group which lack defined tissues and organs and have no symmetry in their body plan
All other animals, have a definite shape and symmetry
Radial symmetry
The parts of the body are arranged around a central axis in such a way that any plane passing through the central axis divides the organism into two equal halves
Animals with radial symmetry
Cnidaria (jellyfish, sea anemones, corals)
Radial symmetry
Primitive type of symmetry, occurs in sessile animals or animals which move slowly, allows the animal to receive sensory information, food and oxygen from all directions, sense predators coming from any direction
Bilateral symmetry
There is only a single plane which divides the body into two equal halves; a right and a left half
Bilateral symmetry
Permits different parts of the body to evolve in different ways, allows more efficient movement from place to place compared to radial symmetry, enables a defined head and tail region
The nervous system in bilaterally symmetrical animals is in the form of longitudinal nerve cords, and early in evolution nerve cells became grouped in the anterior end of the body, leading to the evolution of a definite head and brain
Germ layers
The three primary cell layers that form during embryonic development: ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm
Triploblastic organisation
All bilaterally symmetrical animals have ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm layers
Diploblastic organisation
Radially symmetrical animals have only ectoderm and endoderm layers
Animals with no body cavity
Animals with a fluid-filled body cavity called a pseudocoel located between the mesoderm and the endoderm
Animals with a fluid-filled body cavity called a coelom located entirely within the mesoderm, allowing for more extensive organgrowth, efficient circulatorysystem, hydrostatic skeleton, and independent movement of digestive and body wall muscles
The subdivision of the animal body into segments, also known as metamerism or metameric segmentation
Repetition of body segments allows for functional redundancy, flexibility in locomotion, and increase in body size using minimum genetic information
The fusion of body segments into structural and functional body units, e.g. head/thorax/abdomen in insects
Allows specialisation of body segments so each tagma has a different function, and appendages can become specialised for different functions
Jointed appendages
External body parts or natural prolongations that protrude from an organism's body and have joints permitting greater range of movement
Flexibility in locomotion
More complex movements possible e.g. permits burrowing activity
Increase in body size
Using a minimum of genetic information due to replication of most segments
Fusion of body segments into structural and functional body units e.g. head/ thorax/ abdomen in insects
Advantages of tagmatisation
Specialisation of body segments so that each tagma has a different function
Appendages on the different tagmata become specialised for different functions
An external body part, or natural prolongation, that protrudes from an organism's body
Jointed/ articulated appendages
Appendages have joints permitting a much better flexibility of movement
Jointed appendages first appeared in the arthropods
Types of appendages in arthropods
Mouthparts (including mandibles, maxillae and maxillipeds)
Walking limbs (pereiopods)
Swimming limbs (pleopods)
Sexual organs (gonopods)
Parts of the tail (uropods)
Typically, each body segment carries one pair of appendages in arthropods
Arthropods having different mouth parts are adapted to feeding in different ways
Chordates also have jointed limbs making locomotion highly efficient
Vertebrate animals having four legs or leg-like appendages
All tetrapods have a basic pentadactyl (five-digit) limb structure
An organ or structure possessed by members of different taxonomic groups that originally derived from the same structure in a common ancestor
Modifications of the pentadactyl limb in different tetrapod groups
In the monkey, the forelimbs are much elongated to form a grasping hand for climbing and swinging among trees
In the whale, the forelimbs become flippers for steering and maintaining equilibrium during swimming
In the bat, the forelimbs have turned into wings for flying by great elongation of four digits, while the hook-like first digit remains free for hanging from trees
Transition from water to land
Involves the invasion of a habitat that is more hazardous to life in many respects
Requires modification of almost every system in the vertebrate body
Problems animals must overcome on land
Temperature regulation
Despite its hazards the terrestrial environment offers a great variety of new habitats and safe shelter for the protection of vulnerable eggs and young
Cleidoic egg
The egg laid by reptiles and birds that enables reproduction to be entirely adapted to life on land
Features of the cleidoic egg
Contains food and protective membranes for supporting embryonic development
Shell provides protection against mechanical damage and pathogenic invasion, and is porous allowing gas exchange
Food is provided by yolk from the yolk sac the embryo develops within the amnion, cushioned by amniotic fluid