Bilateral lack of foot clearance during swing due to weak dorsiflexors after prolonged bed rest – dragging feet rather than using compensation
Main Analysis Findings:
impairment occurs aftertoe off, during accel, mid swing and decel
weakness within dorsiflexors
lack of rom in dorsiflexors - need 5 degrees during swing phase
Bilateral lack of foot clearance during swing due to weak dorsiflexors after prolonged bed rest – dragging feet rather than using compensation
Further tests/investigations you would like to do:
muscle strength and endurance test of dorsiflexors
check proximal control as well - hip flexors (beginning of swing phase)
check the individual - fear etc - previous injuries
Bilateral lack of foot clearance during swing due to weak dorsiflexors after prolonged bed rest – dragging feet rather than using compensation
A suitable outcome measure:
dorsiflexor strength test
dorsiflexor rom
functional gait assessment
Gait Abnormality Rating Scale
Bilateral lack of foot clearance during swing due to weak dorsiflexors after prolonged bed rest – dragging feet rather than using compensation
Justification for selection of treatment:
treatment: need to dorsiflex to a certain height with heel on the ground e.g. place sticker 5cm above the ground and need to reach the sticker when dorsiflexing - can use rope to help
strengthen dorsiflexion
Bilateral lack of foot clearance during swing due to weak dorsiflexors after prolonged bed rest – dragging feet rather than using compensation
increase height of sticker
progress to whole gait movement
remove safety bars
Bilateral lack of foot clearance during swing due to weak dorsiflexors after prolonged bed rest – dragging feet rather than using compensation
Justification of approaches to facilitated learning:
refer to scenario 1
cues - slowing down in a car, removing foot of acceleration