Are couples becoming more equal?

Cards (10)

  • gershuny (1994) march of progress view

    women working full time is leading to a more equal division of labour
  • allen (1985) 

    women do tasks that are less intrinsically satisfying
  • boulton (1983)

    mother is responsible for child's security and wellbeing
  • ferri and Smith (1996)

    fathers took responsibility for care in less than 4percent of households
  • Dec Dec and ward (2007)

    only 1 percent of fathers care for sick kids
  • hochschild (2013) emotional work
  • duncombe and marsden (1995) triple shift
  • gershuny (1994) couples whose parents had an equal relationship are also more likely to share housework
  • dunne (1999) lesbian couples had more equal share of labour
  • gerson (1985) women who worked full time were more likely to have husbands that did the same amount of housework as them