
Cards (48)

  • What are the 3 Marks of Existence?
    Anicca, Anatta and Dukkha
  • What was the Buddha's name before he achieved enlightenment?
    Siddartha Gautama
  • What is the name of the demon who tried to tempt Sidartha away from Nibbana?
  • What is meant by Anicca?

    Everything is changing
  • What is meant by Anatta?

    There is no soul
  • What do the Five Skhandas show?
    Every part of us is constantly changing - there is no 'me' or 'you
  • What is meant by Dukkha?
    Life is suffering
  • Examples of suffering include
    disease, bereavement, injury, abuse, depression
  • What causes suffering?
    Desire (tanha)
  • What is the second noble truth?
    Dukkha is caused by Tanha
  • What is the third noble truth?

    It is possible to escape
  • What is the fourth noble truth?
    To stop suffering you must follow the eightfold path.
  • What are the three root poisons?
    Greed, hated, ignorance
  • What is Samsara?
    The cycle of birth, life, death and re-birth
  • How does the Buddha try to demonstrate the idea of Anatta?
    with the 5 Skhandas
  • What are the three good roots?
    Kindness, understanding and non-attachment
  • Skilful actions take in to account what three things?
    The consequences, intentions and appropriateness of the action
  • What is the literal meaning of 'Kamma'?
  • Hoe does the law of Kamma work?
    Actions in one life affect the lives of future re-births
  • Where is Nibbana?
    It's a state of mind, not a place
  • What do you not have when you achieve Nibbana?
    Suffering, Tanha, Re-birth, Kamma that is passed on
  • What are the 'Three Jewels' of Buddhism?
    The Buddha, the Sangha, the Dhamma
  • What is the 'Sangha'?
    The community of Buddhists
  • What are the three parts of the Sangha?
    1. Lay Buddhists 2. Monks and Nuns 3. The Arya Sangha (includes enlightened beings)
  • What is the 'Dhamma'?
    The teachings of Buddhism
  • What teachings does the Dhamma contain?

    3 marks of existence, 4 Noble Truths, 8 Fold Path
  • Why did the Buddha compare the Dhamma to a raft?
    Because it is not important in itself - only in where it gets you (Nibbana)
  • What are the steps on the eightfold Path?
    Right view, intention, action, livelihood, speech, effort, mindfulness, concentration
  • What is right livelihood?
    Not trading in living beings, Not Working with Weapons, Not working with Poisons or intoxicants, Not working in the meat trade.
  • What is right intention?
    The intention to resist desire, The Intention to show good will, The intention to act on good will
  • What is right action?
    No Killing, No sexual misconduct, No taking what is not given
  • What is right speech?

    Not lying, No using words as weapon, No using words to hurt, No empty speech
  • What are the three categories of the eightfold Path?
    Wisdom, morality and meditation
  • State the 5 Precepts of Buddhism
    Do not kill, steal, lie, take drugs or alcohol, or engage in sexual misconduct.
  • What was the Buddha doing for 40 days before achieving enlighenment?
    He was meditating under a bodhi tree.
  • What do Buddhists mean by 'compassion'?
    Caring and being concerned for the well-being of others.
  • How can a Buddhists build up good Kamma?
    By doing good actions
  • What happens to your Kamma when you die if you have not achieved Nibbana?
    It gets dispersed amongst others and effects their lives.
  • What happens to your kamma when you die if you have achieved Nibbana?
    It gets extinguished
  • What do you have to say to become a Buddhist?

    I take refuge in the Buddha, the Dhamma and the Sangha