When a child changes their schemas to adapt to the new information they are being presented with, like adding "barks" or "meows" to "has 4 legs and lives in a house" so they can tell diff between a dog or a cat
Schema assimilation
When you relate new information to preexisting schemas
Schema assimilation is when you interpret new information through schemas. Stimulus generalization is taking reactions and applying them to somewhat similar things to their original stimulus
Schema accommodation is when you are corrected so you have to change a schema. Stimulus discrimination is when you no longer respond to stimuli that used to trigger a reaction because they no longer fit into the schema
Jean Piaget
Came up with the 4 main stages of cognitive development
Sensorimotor Paiget stage
1st, develop object permanence, age 0-2
Preoperational Paiget stage
2nd, theory of mind + symbolic thought, ages 2-7
Concrete operational Paiget stage
3rd, logic, ages 7-12
Formal operational Paiget stage
4th, abstract thought, 12 to the rest of your life
Main criticism of Piaget's stages was that he underestimated the ages in his model
Inability to see the world from another person's point of view
Preoperational stage
When a child goes from being egocentric to being able to understand what the people around them are feeling and thinking
Theory of mind
A sense of what others are feeling and thinking, leads to empathy
Preoperational stage
When a child goes from speaking but not reading or writing and having every object having a singular meaning to symbolic thought
Symbolic thought
Ability to string letters together to get meaning and have objects be "stand ins" for ideas (imaginary play)
Idea developed in concrete operational stage that numbers or objects can be returned to their original position (4+3-3)
Idea developed in concrete operational stage that objects maintain the same properties in spite of their appearance
Part of logical thought developed in concrete operational stage where a child can arrange objects in an order based on specific classification