Hand hygiene using soap and water
1. Prepare all pieces of equipment
2. Stand in front of the sink; do not allow your uniform to touch the sink during the washing procedure
3. Remove jewelry, if possible, and secure it in a safe place
4. Turn on water and adjust force; regulate the temperature until the water is warm
5. Wash the hands and wrist area; keep hands lower than elbows to allow water to flow toward fingertips
6. Use about 1 teaspoon of liquid soap from the dispenser or rinse bar of soap and lather thoroughly; cover all areas of hands with the soap product; rinse the soap bar again and return to the soap rack without touching the rack
7. With firm rubbing in circular motion, wash hands thoroughly, the palms and the back of the hands, each finger, the ring knuckle wrist and forearms; wash at least 1 inch above the area of contamination
8. Wash the forearms at least as high as the elbow
9. Continue this friction motion for at least 20 seconds with firm rubbing and circular motions, wash the palms and backs of the hands, each finger, the areas between the fingers, and the knuckles, wrists, and forearms; wash at least 1 inch above the area of contamination
10. Use fingernails on the other hand or a clean orange wood stick to clean the area under the fingernail
11. Rinse thoroughly with water flowing toward fingertips
12. Pat hands dry with a paper towel, beginning with the fingers and moving upward toward forearms, and discard immediately; use another clean towel to turn off the faucet; discard the towel immediately without touching another clean hand
13. Use oil-free lotion on hands, if desired