Renal function

Cards (35)

  • What is the GFR
    The glomerular filtration rate. It is used to investigate kidney function.
  • Define renal function
    The failure of the primary function of the kidney. It is observed by a reduction in GFR
  • What is the primary function of the kidney
  • What is the result of a decreased GFR
    Less urea and creatinine is excreted
  • What is creatinine
    A waste product from creatine use as an energy source in the muscles
  • What is uraemia
    Increased serum urea
  • How are creatinine and urea detected
    In serum
  • What are the clinical findings of a reduced GFR

    Increased serum urea and creatinine.
  • What type of issue is hypotension which causes a reduced GRF
  • What type of issue is glomerulonephritis which causes a reduced GRF
  • What is Glomulerus inflammation called
  • What type of issue is obstruction which causes a reduced GRF

  • What are the main causes of kidney failure
  • What is erythropoietin production
    It is a hormone produced by the kidneys to stimulate red blood cell production
  • How is vitamin D produced
    By hydroxylation in the liver and kidney
  • Why is insulin used to monitor GFR
    It is neither absorbed or secreted by the kidney.
  • What are the units for creatinine clearance
    ml / min
  • What is CrCl
    Creatinine clearance
  • What is the equation for creatinine clearance
    Creatinine excreted / time OR (Urine Cr * volume) / (Plasma Cr * Time).
  • How is creatinine measured
    Creatinine is reacted with picric acid in an alkaline medium to produce an orange complex. and the absorbance is measured
  • What is the MDRD equation
    Modification of diet in renal disease. It is used to calculate GFR by using correction factors for sex and race.
  • What are the correction factors used in the MDRD
    0.742 is used for females.
    1.21 is used for African-Americans
  • What are the units for the MDRD equation
    (ml / min) / 1.73 m2
  • What is the equation for the MDRD
    186 * Creatinine serum -1.154 * Age -0.203 * 0.742 (Female) * 1.21 (Black)
  • What does a GFR > 90 indicate
    Kidney damage with a normal GFr
  • What does a GFR of 60 -89 mean
    Kidney damage with a mildly low GFR
  • What does a GFR of 30 - 59 mean
    Kidney damage with moderately low GFR
  • What does a GFR of 15 - 29 mean
    Severely low GFR
  • What does a GFR < 15 mean
    Kidney failure [End stage renal disease]
  • .What is the GFR of Stage CKD
    > 90
  • What is the GFR for stage two kidney disease
    60 - 89
  • What is the GFR for stage 3 CKD
    30 - 59
  • What is the GFR for stage 4 CKD
    15 - 29
  • What is the GFR for stage 5 CKD
    < 15
  • When is MDRD best used
    To estimate low GFR values