Cards (22)

  • Random assignment
    Avoid selection threats
  • Matching
    Reduce initial differences between the experimental and control groups on the dependent variable
  • One group pretest posttest design

    Measure self-esteem of divorced women before and after counseling, compare pre and post test results
  • Two different doses of one drug compared for treating hypertension, half receive one dose, half receive other dose

    1 IV between subjects design
  • Block randomization
    presenting each condition once before any condition is repeated
  • Random sampling
    Giving each individual in a population a number and then using a random number table to identify which participants will be included
  • One variable within subjects design

    Participants evaluate 4 different clothing styles in reverse counterbalanced order
  • A one group pretest/posttest design would not have a comparison group
  • Constant conjunction/internal validity

    Cause has to be present whenever the effect is obtained
  • Lab and field studies
    • Differ in control and realism/setting
  • Association
    "Owning a dog related to higher life satisfaction"
  • Construct validity
    Do the results support the theory behind the research?
  • Statistical conclusion validity
    The extent to which data from a study supports a true cause-effect relationship rather than chance
  • Construct validity

    Participant interprets manipulated instructions differently than the researcher intended threatens
  • Synergistic interaction

    Higher levels of one IV increase the effect of another rIV
  • Disordinal and antagonistic interaction

    Shaped like an "X"
  • Moderation
    Relationship between two variables depends on a third variable
  • Causal claim
    "Texting while driving reduces impulse control"
  • Regression to the mean is especially problematic when one group has an extremely high score at pretest
  • Researchers used methods to identify or correct for attrition, such as determining whether those who dropped out of the study had a different pattern of scores than those who stayed in the study
  • I frequently solve and enjoy solving crossword puzzles and Sodoku puzzles is an example of what?
    double barreled question
  • I have never not enjoyed thinking
    double negative