Cards (97)

  • Nucleotide bases in DNA
    • adenine
    • thymine
    • cytosine
    • guanine
  • Nucleotide bases in RNA
    • adenine
    • uracil
    • cytosine
    • guanine
  • Bond forming base pairs
    hydrogen bond
  • Possible base pairs in DNA
    • A-T
    • C-G
  • Bond connecting nucleotide bases in a single DNA strand
    Phosphodiester bond
  • Bond connecting amino acids in a peptide chain
    Peptide bond
  • Bonds stabilising alpha-helix and beta-sheet
    Hydrogen bond
  • Functional groups hydrogen bonding in alpha-helix and beta-sheet
    NH & C=O
  • Chemical bonds stabilising proteins
    • Hydrogen
    • Disulphide
    • Salt bridge
    • Hydrophobic
  • Structural classes of proteins
    • Primary
    • Secondary
    • Tertiary (3D)
    • Quaternary
  • Reaction conditions affecting enzymatic rate
    • pH
    • Temperature
    • Substrate concentration
  • The graph below is a Michaelis-Menten plot of enzyme kinetics
  • At Vmax in enzyme kinetics
    Enzyme is saturated with substrate
  • Difference between curve "a" and "c"
    Reaction "c" is in the presence of a competitive inhibitor
  • Difference between curves "a" and "b"

    Reaction "b" is in the presence of a noncompetitive inhibitor
  • Km
    Measure of binding affinity between the enzyme and substrate
  • Transporting ions against a concentration gradient
    Usually needs to expend energy in the form of ATP
  • Ion translocating proteins
    • Na+/K+ ATPase
    • Ca2+ ATPase
  • Voltage sensor subunit
    Contains the voltage sensor
  • Chemical bonds that allow a ligand to bind to a receptor
    • Hydrogen bonds
    • Ionic bonds
    • Van der Waals forces
    • Covalent
  • Classes of receptors
    • Ionotropic
    • GPCRs
    • Enzyme linked
    • Intracellular
  • Heterotrimeric G proteins
    Stimulate/inhibit adenylate cyclase
  • Adenylate cyclase activation
    Synthesizes cAMP
  • Insulin receptor
    Enzyme linked receptor where the enzyme is tyrosine kinase
  • Tyrosine kinase activation

    Phosphorylates tyrosine amino acids in proteins
  • Intracellular receptors

    Often DNA-linked and upregulate gene transcription when activated
  • Cell cycle
    Phases of the cell cycle
  • Interphase of the cell cycle
    1. G1
    2. G2
    3. S
  • Phases of the cell cycle in order starting with M phase
    1. G1-S-G2
  • G1 phase

    • Cellular content excluding the chromosome are duplicated
  • S phase
    • Each of the 46 chromosomes is duplicated by the cell
  • G2 phase

    • The cell double checks the duplicated DNA for errors and makes any needed repairs
  • Cyclin protein
    Approximate mass/size: 56kDa
  • Cyclins

    During the cell cycle they are degraded and resynthesized
  • Cyclins CDK2 associates with

    • A
    • B
    • C
    • E
  • Cyclins
    • Activates the CDK
    • Binds the substrate
  • Retinoblastoma protein
    Regarded as a tumour suppressor protein as it sequesters E2F and prevents E2F from upregulating DNA synthesis
  • Cyclin/CDK pairs that phosphorylate retinoblastoma protein

    • Cyclin A/CDK2
    • Cyclin D/CDK4
    • Cyclin E CDK2
  • CDK-cyclin pairs active in the G1 phase
    • CDK4-cyclin D
    • CDK6-Cyclin D
  • CDK-cyclin pair controlling G1 to S phase transition
    CDK2-Cyclin E