exsc 333 final

Cards (31)

  • ATP stored in muscles - build up to ADP
  • ADP to protein Kinase
  • Endergenous- internally created
    • amino acids synthesize creatine we produce 1 g per day
  • exgenous= externally created
    • 120-140 g storage
    • 95% in muscles
    • type 2 fibers 4/6x more PCR
  • how much creatine recommended per day
    2-5 g
  • carbohydrate ingestion augments creatine digestion
  • caffeine crosses all body tissues including blood-brain barrier
  • caffeine peaks 1 hour after ingestion
  • 3-6 hours caffeine ingestion is cut in half
  • 2 cups of coffee is sufficient for optimal performance
  • metabolism increases the release of free-fatty acids
  • metabolism
    1. has direct impact on adipose tissue
    2. stimulates epinephrine release ( inc. lipase sensitivity)
  • CNS responses
    • analistic relief
    • stimulant
    • measured using RPE (percieves exertion)
    • lowers threshold
    • NO ATP (energy)
    • nerve transmission (jittery)
  • caffeine side effects
    • gi distress
    • restlessness
    • Headache
    • insomnia
    • irritability
    • muscle twitchign
    • heart rate increase
  • caffeine does not have a diuretic effect
  • caffeine increases urination
  • anabolic= tissue building
  • androgenic= developing male traits
  • men have 10 times testosterone
  • anabolic control act of 1990: made it a federal offense to possess or sell steroids for non-medical use
  • testosterone storage= 95% testes, 5% adrenal glands
  • steroids are lipid soluble
  • synthetic testosterone = optimizes anabolic , reduces androgenic
  • testosterone available through pills, patches, creams (pills not used )
  • creams are undetectable
  • steroid benefits=
    1. increased protein synthesis
    2. anticatabloic effec
    3. increases RBC
    4. Stimulates CNS
  • reversible steroid side effects
    1. acne
    2. depression
    3. high cholesterol
    4. low immune function
    5. testicular atrophy
  • irreversible effects
    1. cancer
    2. CVD
    3. Stroke
    4. liver disease
    5. impedance
    6. male traits
  • autologous transfusion= individuals own blood (least common)
    elevated hemoglobin for 2 weeks
  • Homologous transfusion=someone else's blood
    8-20% increase in hemoglobin
  • Erythropoietin: natural hormone, stimulates RBC growth
    12% hemoglobin increase