Cards (21)

  • Enzyme catalysis
    Provides an alternate pathway with lower activation energy, increasing reaction rate
  • Lock and key hypothesis
    Enzyme structure allows substrate to fit exactly into active site
  • Enzymatic reaction
    • E + S ⇌ ES → E + P
  • Factors affecting enzyme rate
    Temperature, pH, substrate concentration
  • Michaelis-Menten curves
    • Vmax, Km (Michaelis constant)
  • Enzyme inhibitors
    Competitive, non-competitive
  • Enzyme regulation
    Feedback inhibition, allosteric regulation, phosphorylation/dephosphorylation, proteolysis
  • Feedback reduction - product of reaction binds allosterically to enzyme
    Affects catalytic activity
  • The higher the concentration of final product
    The more likely the product will bind allosterically, shutting down the pathway
  • Feedback inhibition
    Cell responds to the amount of regulation product in order to regulate its further production
  • Feedback regulation
    Can either be positive or negative
  • Positive feedback
    Results in activation of enzymes, increasing production of product
  • Negative feedback
    Inhibition of enzyme in biochemical pathway, decreases activity of earlier enzymes, stopping pathway
  • Phosphorylation - dephosphorylation
    1. Addition of a phosphate to a serine, threonine or tyrosine amino acid
    2. Acts as an on/off switch for enzyme activity
    3. Phosphorylation controlled by kinase enzymes
    4. Dephosphorylation controlled by phosphatase enzymes
  • Proteolysis
    Enzymes can be switched on / off by proteolytic enzymes
  • Gene expression
    Amount of enzyme can vary by altering gene expression
  • Cofactors
    • Non-protein substance required for enzyme reaction (often metal ions like Cu2+)
    • Can be easily removed from enzyme
  • Coenzymes
    Cofactors that can behave as electron donors or acceptors (like NAD+ and FAD)
  • Vitamins
    Can act as cofactors
  • Biomarkers
    Enzymes released into the blood due to physical/functional damage to cells (caused by disease, trauma or side effects from drugs)
  • Enzymes expressed in different tissues
    • Liver tissue: ALT, AST
    • Bile duct tissue: ALP, GGT
    • Muscle tissue: CK-MB