Stewardship + Environment (Catholic)

Cards (7)

  • “You made him to have dominion over the works of your hands; you have put all things under his feet.” Psalm 8:6
  • Belief that humans have been given dominion, duty to be be in charge of the world and it’s resources as a gift from God - stewardship and look after the world for future generations. (global citizens)
  • Life is a gift from God and a special duty - humans are responsible for preserving the environment to live well now and in the future.
  • We should reduce, reuse, recycle and stop the use of fossil fuels which pollute the planet to try live in a sustainable way - environmental responsibility.
  • Belief that we must ensure that there‘s no over use of earth’s resources and realise that our actions can impact others (future generations).
  • Pope Francis wrote a letter - ”Laudato Si” 2015 (On Carevof Our Common Home) - calls all people to take better care of “our common home“, to think carefully about how we’re shaping the future of this planet - implies the urgency for environmental changes, to live more sustainably.
  • In Genesis, important message, human life is precious and sacred - been created for closer relationship with God but have duty to look after God’s creation.