Ion channels, receptors and intracellular signalling

Cards (28)

  • Ion channels are protein complexes that span the entire cell membrane
  • Ion channels
    Allow charged ions (Na+, Ca2+, K+) to pass through the cell membrane
  • Ion channels
    • Rate of ion conductance through the cell
    • Direction of conductance
  • Ion channel classification
    • Voltage sensitive
    • Ligand dependent
  • Many drugs target ion channels and change their status (either open or closed)
  • Cation channels
    Allow Na+, K+ or Ca2+ to pass through
  • Anion channels
    Allow anions to pass through
  • Voltage-sensitive ion channels
    Open in response to membrane potential
  • Ligand-dependent ion channels
    Open status changes in response to the binding of a ligand to its receptor site
  • Resting potential
    1. When no nerve impulse is being transported along axon, resting potential (-70 mV) is maintained across axon membrane
    2. Stimulus causes Na+ channels to open and Na+ diffuses rapidly into axon down an electrochemical gradient
    3. When threshold is exceeded, causes depolarisation of axon
    4. Action potential is triggered and voltage-sensitive gates of Na+ close and K+ channels open
    5. K+ ions leave the axon down their concentration gradient, causing repolarisation of axon
    6. Slight overshoot of the K+ ions diffusing out results in hyperpolarisation
    7. Sodium-potassium pump restores original Na+ and K+ concentrations, returning to resting potential
  • Sodium-potassium pump
    Transports 3 Na+ out and 2 K+ in per ATP, restoring resting potential
  • Voltage-gated ion channels
    Membrane potential dependent on inter/extracellular ion concentrations
  • Voltage-gated ion channels have a 6-helix (S1-6) structure
  • Ion channel structure
    α-subunit forms the channel pore, with 4 transmembrane domains
  • Drugs target ion channels by binding to specific sites on the channel structure
  • Receptors
    Macromolecular components of the cell that drugs bind to in order to exert their effects
  • Receptor agonist
    Binds to a specific receptor and activates it, causing a cellular response
  • Receptor antagonist
    Binds to a specific receptor but does not activate it, preventing binding of agonist
  • Ligand binding to receptor
    • Rapidly reversible due to weak interactions (H-bonds, ionic bonds, Van der Waals forces)
    • Can be irreversible if interaction is mediated by covalent bonds
  • Synaptic transmission
    1. Arrival of electrical stimulus triggers release of neurotransmitter (acetylcholine) into synaptic cleft
    2. Neurotransmitter binds to receptors on postsynaptic membrane, allowing Na+ influx and depolarisation
    3. Neurotransmitter is hydrolysed by enzymes and reabsorbed for recycling
  • Electrical synapse
    Action potential triggers release of neurotransmitter, which binds to receptors and causes fast response
  • Chemical synapse
    Action potential triggers release of neurotransmitter, which binds to G-protein coupled receptors and causes slow response
  • Drug A binds to receptor
    Activates G-protein system to stimulate or inhibit effector system (adenylate cyclase)
  • Drug binds to receptor...
    and activates G protein system to stimulate or inhibit effector system (adenylate cyclase)
  • If adenylate cyclase is stimulated
    Effector system produces second messenger cAMP
  • If adenylate cyclase is inhibited
    cAMP levels decrease
  • Active PKA
    Phosphorylates proteins
  • Intracellular receptors are DNA-linked nuclear receptors that regulate gene transcription