
Cards (24)

  • outline statistical infrequency as a definition of abnormality 

    • statistics describe typical values or "normal" behaviour
    • characteristics that can be reliably measured
    • frequency graph shows a normal distribution
    IQ & intellectual disability disorder:
    • average IQ is 100, those below 70 deemed as "abnormal"
    • liable to receive diagnosis of IDD
  • evaluate statistical infrequency as a definition of abnormality
    + real life application, diagnosis of IDD, useful in clinical assessment
    X desirable behaviours, super-smart doesn't need treatment
    X labelling as abnormal, negative view of themselves
  • outline deviation from social norms as a definition of abnormality 

    • norms defined by group of people
    • standards of what is deemed acceptable
    • may be implicit or defined by law
    antisocial personality disorder:
    • DSM-5 symptom is "absence of prosocial internal standards"
    • failure to conform to lawful or moral standards
  • evaluate deviation from social norms as a definition of abnormality
    + real life application, diagnosis of APD, remember other factors
    X human rights abuse, changing norms, incarcerate non-conformists
    X cultural relativism, norms vary between community, hearing voices
  • outline failure to function adequately as a definition of abnormality

    • unable to manage everyday life e.g. eating regularly
    • abnormal if causes distress to others or self
    intellectual disability disorder:
    • diagnosis based on very low IQ
    • individual has to be failing to function adequately too
  • evaluate failure to function adequately as a definition of abnormality
    + patient's perspective, acknowledges their experience
    X subjective judgements, distress judged through checklists
    X alternative lifestyles isn't failure to function, limit personal freedom
  • outline deviation from ideal mental health as a definition of abnormality 

    Jahoda - characteristics for good mental health
    • high self-esteem
    • self-actualisation
    • autonomy
    • accurate perception of reality
    • mastery of environment
  • evaluate deviation from ideal mental health as a definition of abnormality
    + comprehensive, broad range of criteria, humanistic
    X unrealistic, high standard for mental health, everyone is abnormal
    X cultural relativism, specific to western europe, individualistic
  • explain the characteristics of phobias
    1. emotional - excessive fear, anxiety/panic cued by stimulus
    2. behavioural - avoidance, fight or flight, interferes with everyday life
    3. cognitive - selective attention, irrational beliefs, cognitive distortions
  • explain the characteristics of depression
    1. emotional - low mood, anger, low self-esteem
    2. behavioural - activity levels, disruption to sleep/eating, self-harm/aggression
    3. cognitive - absolutist thinking, poor concentration, negative thoughts
  • explain the characteristics of OCD
    1. emotional - anxiety/distress, depression, guilt & disgust
    2. behavioural - compulsions (repetitive or reduce anxiety) and avoidance
    3. cognitive - obsessive thoughts, excessive anxiety, strategies to deal
  • outline and evaluate behavioural approach to explaining phobias
    two-process model
    • classical conditioning - NS becomes CS, producing fear
    • Little Albert - white rat generalised to other white furry objects
    • operant conditioning - negative reinforcement (avoidance)
    • social learning - phobic behaviours of others are modelled
    + treatments, systematic desensitisation, high validity
    X based on behavioural explanations, ignores cognitive/emotional, simplistic
    X alternative, not all phobias require neutral stimulus, peer/media influence
  • outline behavioural approach to treating phobias
    systematic desensitisation
    • counterconditioning - stimulus associated with relaxation
    • reciprocal inhibition - relaxation inhibits anxiety
    1. anxiety hierarchy: situations provoking anxiety arranged in order
    2. relaxation: deep breathing, muscle relaxation
    3. exposure: follow anxiety hierarchy in relaxed state
    • one long session with most fearful stimulus
    • continues until anxiety subsides and relaxation complete
    • can be in vivo or virtual reality
  • evaluate behavioural approach to treating phobias
    systematic desensitisation

    X Ohman, ineffective for survival phobias, over-simplified
    + effective, McGrath 75% responded, in vivo more effective
    + fast, lack of "thought" useful for those with learning difficulties, self-administered


    + effective, Choy - most effective, Craske - equally effective
    X individual differences, traumatic, may quit during
    X ineffective for social phobias, need cognitive therapies
  • outline cognitive approach to explaining depression
    Ellis ABC model
    • activating event
    • beliefs, irrational (musturbation or utopianism)
    • consequences, emotional or behavioural
    Beck's negative triad
    • faulty information processing, ignores positives
    • negative self-schemas
    • negative triad
    1. negative view of world
    2. negative view of future
    3. negative view of self
  • evaluate cognitive approach to explaining depression
    Ellis ABC model

    + practical application, CBT challenges beliefs, irrational has some role
    X partial, reactive depression, not generalisable to other types
    X can't explain anger, hallucinations, delusions or vulnerability of individual

    Beck's negative triad

    X depression is complex, cotard syndrome, simplistic
    + support, Terry - high cognitive vulnerability more post-natal depression
    + practical application, CBT treating depression, successful therapy
  • outline the cognitive approach to treating depression
    REBT (ellis)
    • D - dispute irrational beliefs e.g. logical, empirical, pragmatic
    • E - effect of disputing, feelings produced
    • behavioural activation - engage in enjoyable activities
    • unconditional positive regard - reduces sense of worthlessness
    CBT (beck)
    • directly challenges irrational thoughts
    • test reality of negative beliefs
    • homework - record event they enjoyed, proves statement is incorrect
    • behavioural activation - pleasurable activities
    • unconditional positive regard
  • evaluate the cognitive approach to treating depression
    + support, improvement rates - 81% in CBT, 81% meds, 86% both, improved symptoms
    X simplified, overlooks circumstances, less suitable in high stress situations
    X reliant on client, 27 sessions on average, motivate themselves
  • outline biological approach to explaining OCD
    genetic explanations
    • COMPT gene - one allele more common in OCD, high levels of dopamine
    • SERT gene - one allele more common in family with OCD, low levels of serotonin
    • diathesis stress - same genes linked to other disorders or no disorders, create vulnerability
    neural explanation
    • high dopamine levels - compulsive behaviours
    • low serotonin levels - antidepressants increase most effectively
    • worry circuit - caudate nucleus doesn't suppress signals from OFC to thalamus
    • serotonin & dopamine linked to activity in frontal lobe
  • evaluate biological approach to explaining OCD
    genetic explanations

    + support, Nestadt - 68% identical twins share OCD, 31% non-identical
    X candidate genes, variation increases risk, little predictive value
    X environment, Cromer - 1/2 had past trauma, focus on environmental causes

    neural explanations

    + support, antidepressants reduce symptoms, biological processes responsible
    X clarity, Cavedini - no system always plays a role in OCD, can't understand neural mechanisms
    X cause, various structures function abnormally, result rather than cause
  • outline and evaluate biological approach to treating OCD
    drug therapy
    • antidepressants - increase serotonin
    • SSRIs - prevent re-uptake of serotonin by pre-synaptic neuron
    • tricyclics - block re-uptake of noradrenaline and serotonin
    • anti-anxiety drugs - BZs enhance GABA, neurotransmitter slows nervous system
    • D-Cycloserine - reduces anxiety
    X side effects, clomipramine (1/10 - tremors, 1/100 - aggression)
    + effective, Soomro - decline in 70% compared to 30%, help most patients
    + cheap, good for NHS, doesn't need hard work of therapy
  • outline the characteristics of depression
    • activity levels
    • disruptive sleep and appetite
    • aggression or self-harm
    • low mood
    • anger
    • low self-esteem
    • poor concentration
    • dwell on negatives
    • absolutist thinking
  • outline the characteristics of OCD
    • compulsions
    • avoidance
    • anxiety
    • depression
    • guilt
    • obsessions
    • excessive anxiety
  • outline characteristics of phobias
    • panic
    • avoidance
    • endurance
    • anxiety
    • unreasonable responses
    • selective attention
    • irrational beliefs
    • cognitive distortions