A Christmas Carol key quotes

Cards (8)

  • “Hard and sharp as flint”
    There is the use of a simile to reveal Scrooge’s characteristics, which symbolises how damaging he is and his socially-destructive potential, flint was traditionally used to make weapons. However flint can be used to make a fire, a symbol of hope, showing Scrooge’s potential.
  • “Solitary as an oyster”
    There is a simile used to reveal Scrooge’s sense of isolation, which amplifies its more than mere loneliness as it links to an oyster withdrawing into its shell. Oysters contain a pearl and were also associated with luxury, showing Scrooge’s inner-self.
  • “He iced his office in the dog-days”
    The metaphorical verb “iced” reveals an aspect of Scrooge’s character, dog-days were known as the hottest days of the summer, showing a hyperbaly which amplifies his emotional detachment, lack of humanity and self-interest. The cold weather was a fear for working class victorians, amplifying Scrooge’s destructive effect.
  • “I wear a chain I forged in life”
    Imagery and symbolism is used to reveal Marley‘s regret, the chain is symbolic of Marley’s punishment due to his past actions, showing that he now accepts and acknowledges his fault. The chain is symbolic of industrialisation from Dickens view, Marley reflects Victorian society's shortcomings.
  • “Another idol has displaced me”

  • “Old scratch has got his own at last, hey?”

  • “I’ll raise your salary“
  • "Decrease the surplus population"
