Cards (62)

  • Cell cycle
    1. Interphase (G1, S, G2)
    2. Mitosis
    3. Cytokinesis
  • Retinoblastoma protein (Rb)
    Tumour suppressor protein phosphorylated by CDK enzyme
  • E2F
    Transcription factor stimulated by phosphorylation of Rb
  • Cyclin D1 overexpression
    Shortens G1 and premature entry into S phase
  • Cyclin overexpression in tumours
    Deregulates cell cycle
  • Cyclin dependent kinases (CDKs)
    Catalytic subunits of cyclin/CDK complexes, have a common cyclin-binding domain
  • Cell ultrastructure includes nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, Golgi network
  • Gene transcription
    The process of copying the genetic information from DNA into RNA
  • Gene
    • A complex molecule associated with the chromosomes and acting as a unit or in various biochemically determined combinations in the transmission of specific hereditary characteristics
  • Genome
    • The entire complement of double stranded DNA within a cell
    • 10% of DNA in mammals encodes the genome
    • Includes genes, repeating sequences, and "junk DNA"
    • 3 billion base pairs in human genome
    • 30,000 genes
  • Measure of gene expression
    • The appearance of a protein in a cell (expression)
    • The transfer of information housed within the genetic material to the machinery responsible for protein synthesis
  • Skeletal muscle is composed of elongated, multinucleate myocytes that contract upon electrical stimulation
  • The collective functionality of a set of proteins expressed in skeletal muscle cells does not mean those proteins are only expressed in those cells, as many are also expressed in many other cell types
  • Some proteins are unique to skeletal myocytes
    • Consists of adenine, thymine (uracil), cytosine, and guanine
    • Encodes an amino acid as a triplet of nucleotides (codon)
  • Start codon
    AUG (methionine), initiates protein synthesis
  • Stop codons
    UAA (ATT), UGA (ACT), UAG (ATC), cause protein chain to terminate protein synthesis
  • Eukaryotic gene transcription
    • Occurs in the nucleus
    • Synthesis of a single strand of RNA, a copy of the information stored in double stranded DNA
    • RNA synthesis is catalysed by RNA polymerase
    • Only one strand of DNA is used to make RNA
  • Types of RNA
    • Ribosomal RNA (rRNA)
    • Messenger RNA (mRNA)
    • Transfer RNA (tRNA)
  • mRNA
    • Carries information that encodes a protein sequence from DNA to the ribosome
    • Information stored as discrete "words" made of three nucleotides (codons)
    • Links the genome to protein synthesis machinery
  • Typical gene structure
    • Consists of the open reading frame (ORF) composed of introns and exons
    • ORF is contained between the start codon and stop codon
  • mRNA processing
    1. Capped at the 5' end by 7-methylguanosine added by guanylyl transferase to protect against nuclease enzymes and enable CAP directed translation
    2. Poly A tail added to the 3' end by poly (A) polymerase to prevent RNA degradation
  • RNA splicing
    1. Removal of introns and ligation of exons by small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs) and the spliceosome
    2. Not an exact process
  • DNA/gene contains introns and exons, and the mRNA transcript is made up of introns and exons
  • The primary pre-RNA transcript undergoes mRNA processing and RNA splicing
  • Types of ligands
    • acetylcholine
    • adrenaline
    • insulin
    • growth hormone
  • acetylcholine ligand
  • adrenaline ligand
  • insulin ligand
  • growth hormone ligand
  • G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR)
    • Heterotrimeric G-protein composed of α, β & γ subunits that are connected to intracellular transduction system through a G-protein
    • GTP bound α subunit dissociates from β/γ subunits and interacts with secondary messenger system when ligand binds to receptor
  • Aderylate cyclase (second messenger system)
    • Communicating the interaction between a ligand and it's receptor to produce a cellular effect
    • Drug binds to receptor and activates G protein system to stimulate/inhibit effector system
    • If stimulated, effector system produces second messenger (cAMP)
    • Second messenger activates enzyme that changes the target protein
  • Progression through cell cycle:
    1. Cyclin D/CDK4,6 control Rb phosphorylation
    2. Cyclin E CDK2 controls Gl to S transition
    3. Cyclin A/CDK2 controls S phase progression
    4. Cyclin B/CDK1 controls G2 to M transition
  • Progression through G1:
    • Regulated by CDK4, CDK6 and CDK2
    • CDK4 in complex with cyclin D controls phosphorylation of Rb family of proteins
    • Further phosphorylation of Rb protein is mediated by CDK6 + cyclin D complex and finally by CDK2 + cyclin E complex
  • Transit of cells from G1 into S phase:
    • Regulated by CDK2 + cyclin E complex
    • Activity of CDK2 + cyclin E complex is needed for the duplication of centrosomes
  • Progression through S phase:
    • Regulated by CDK2 + cyclin A complex
    • CDK2 + cyclin A phosphorylates many proteins needed for transcription, DNA replication and repair
    • Also phosphorylates proteins needed to complete S phase and entry of cells into G2 phase
  • Progression through G2:
    • Cyclin A is degraded as cyclin B is actively synthesised
  • Progression G2 -> M phase transition:
    • Regulated by CDK1 + cyclin B complex
    • CDK1 + cyclin B complexes form during mid-to-late G2
    • Involved in centrosomes during prophase, causes centrosome separation, and is involved in chromosome condensation
  • Gene transcription

    The process of copying the genetic information from DNA into RNA
  • Gene
    • A complex molecule associated with the chromosomes and acting as a unit or in various biochemically determined combinations in the transmission of specific hereditary characteristics