Reduced weightbearing on one leg during stance phase post injury resulting in reduced contralateral step length. Overall reduced weight transfer onto affected leg
Main Analysis Findings
reducedstep length (length from heel strike to next heel strike) of unaffected side
weakenedweightbearing muscles - quads and hamstrings
a lot of GRF occurs at the beginning of stance phase as thats when knee deals with a lot of force - lack grf = lack step length
Reduced weightbearing on one leg during stance phase post injury resulting in reduced contralateral step length. Overall reduced weight transfer onto affected leg
Further tests/investigations you would like to do:
6 minute walk test - distance walked in 6 minutes
quads and hamstringsstrength
is pain a limiting factor
Reduced weightbearing on one leg during stance phase post injury resulting in reduced contralateral step length. Overall reduced weight transfer onto affected leg
A suitable outcome measure:
Quads and hamstring strength
Reduced weightbearing on one leg during stance phase post injury resulting in reduced contralateral step length. Overall reduced weight transfer onto affected leg
Justification for selection of treatment:
markers placed on the ground - must reach the length of the marker, improvingstep length
Reduced weightbearing on one leg during stance phase post injury resulting in reduced contralateral step length. Overall reduced weight transfer onto affected leg
Justification of approaches to facilitated learning:
refer to scenario 1
cues - imagine stepping over gap
Reduced weightbearing on one leg during stance phase post injury resulting in reduced contralateral step length. Overall reduced weight transfer onto affected leg
increase length between markers - increases step length
removessafety bars
add weight onto leg
full gait cycle - from part practice to whole practice