Social Studies 8: 4Q - 4.2 Aftermath of World War 1

Cards (15)

  • Civic Unrest in Russia

    In 1917, Russia experienced civil unrest brought about by shortage in food and fuel. People started to protest, which led to the abdication of Tzar Nicholas II in February 1917. To replace the Tsarist rule, a provisional government was established.
  • Provisional government in Russia

    • Headed mostly by the Bourgeoisie and created in response to the fear that the old Tsarist rule would call on its troops and suppress the rebellion.
  • Territory Crisis in Russia

    1. The provisional government encountered crises in its own territory, as there had been political factionalism within the left-wing party, the Bolsheviks ('the majority'), the Mensheviks ('the minority'), and the right-wing.
    2. The Bolsheviks were headed by Vladimir Lenin, who advocated for an immediate end to war, distribution of land to the peasants, and food for the workers. All power - political, military, and economic - was seized by the soviets and the bolshevik party. The Bolshevik party conducted an armed insurrection involving workers and soldiers in Petrograd and successfully overthrew the provisional government.
  • Truce in the East

    1. The new government ended the involvement of Russia in the war through a truce with Germany.
    2. The German Government accepted. Thus, the 2 countries signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk in March 1918 which officially ended the war in the Eastern Front — The war in the west lives on.
  • War in the West

    1. The Allies launched a counterattack to the German and were able to advance toward Germany.
    2. The Ottomans and Bulgarians surrendered; Austria-Hungary faced an internal revolution and German soldiers protested against the Kaiser or Emperor.
    3. The Kaiser was forced to stepped down and Germany became a republic.
    4. The German army was already weak, they were exhausted and there were no reinforcements.
    5. The German Government met with the French commander and both signed an agreement ending the war.
    6. It was on November 11, 1918 when World War I officially ended.
  • The war saw advancements in technology such as x-ray machines and high-powered war machineries
  • Almost 9 million soldiers died as a result of the war, 21 million were wounded. Starvaton, disease and slaughter were common
  • People experienced severe insecurities and despair
  • The Aftermath of World War I saw drastic political, cultural economic, and social change across Euroasia, Africa, and even in areas outside those that were directly involved.
  • It also had the effect of bringing political transformation to most of the principal parties involved in the conflict, transforming them into electoral democracies by bringing near-universal suffrage for the first time in history, as in Germany, Great Britain, and Turkey
  • The Paris Peace Conference
    The Treaty was presented in the Paris Peace Conference on 18 January 1919. It was attended by delegates from 32 countries around the world
  • Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points

    Provisions aimed end secret treaties, promote free trade and reduce national armies and navies
  • Great Britain and France did not welcome the provisions of the Fourteen Points. Both countries were more concerned with national security
  • Treaty of Versailles
    • On June 28, 1919, Germany and the Allies signed the Treaty of Versailles. The treaty had many provisions, but most of them were directed at Germany and was deemed quite harsh.
    • Germany is to be stripped of its territories
    • Restrictions on Germany's military operations, such as the reduction of its military forces to 100,000
    • Germany's heavy artillery, tanks and war planes are to be confiscated
    • Surrender German territories in Asia and Africa until those nations are ready for independence
    • Pay all reparations around 33 Billion dollars (Article 231 or the War Guilt Clause named Germany the sole party responsible for the war.)
  • League of Nations
    • The primary role of the League of Nations was to prevent another world war.
    • The league of nations suggested ways to deal with conflicts cause by the issues through communication and negotiation
    • Promote international cooperation in relation to cross-border drug trafficking, human trafficking and humanitarian aid
    • More than 60 countries joined the league. However, there are countries that did not join the League (Russia, Germany, and USA)