
Cards (24)

  • A stain is iodine attached to cells to create contrast
  • fluorescence microscopy is used to gain information about molecules and locate them.
  • fluorescence microscopy uses fluorescent substance that are attached to molecules to locate it by shining ultraviolet light on the substance.
  • Confocal technology provides a thin section of the specimen with high resolution
  • Confocal technology works by having a laser concentrated on a speciman, the reflection of the laser is then converted into images.
  • Transmission Electron Microscopy uses electron beams to produce images
  • Scanning Electron MIcroscopy uses electrons that bounce off the object to produce an image
  • Xray Crystallography is used to determine atomic and molecular structure
  • Xray Crystallography works by a beam of xray passing through a crystal then diffracts to many directions
  • Eyepiece enhances magnification and focus
  • Coarse Adjustment brings specimens into view by moving the stage, is used before fine-adjustment
  • fine adjustment achieves detailed image of specimen
  • Revolving nosepiece can be rotated to select a different objective lense
  • objective lenses has multiple lenses that varies magnification, can increase magnification
  • stage provides support to hold the specimen
  • stage clips secure the specimen in place
  • diaphragm regulates the amount of light passing through the specimen, enhancing contrast and brightness
  • lamp, source for light, makes specimen visible
  • arm provides support and carrying handle, can be raised or lowered
  • base is the foundation of microscope, prevents it from tipping over.
  • Transmission electron, specimen is embedded in plastic
  • scanning electron examines surface of specimen
  • Confocal provides 3D images of specimen
  • Transmission Electron has the highest magnification, (2 million mag)