Real Academia Espanol - Governs the spanish alphabet. They decide the rules in grammar.
In the Old Spanish Alphabet, there are 30 letters whereas in the English Alphabet there are only 26. Now there are 27 letters in the Spanish Alphabet. CH, LL, RR were removed.
Read aloud the Spanish Alphabet.
We pronounced C as "S" if it's followed by "e" and "i" vowel. Whereas we read C as "K" if it's followed by "a", "o", and "u"
H in spanish is silent when we pronounced it. However we will read it if it's in the middle part of the word. Example: Bahia and Prohibir.
J is pronounced as "H"
G is pronounce hard G if it’s followed by A, O, and U while ity will be pronounced H if next is I and E
LL is pronounced as "Dy" (Ja)
RR is pronounced as rolling r sound.
X is pronounced as KS sound.
Email - Correo Elektroniko
Cual es tu? = What is your?
In countries like Spain Y is pronounced as Ya however in Latin American countries it is pronounced as J.
In Central America N is pronounced like estan/estang.
Cion is pronounced as "syon".
Monday - el lunes Tuesday - el martes; Wednesday - el miércoles; Thursday - el jueves; Friday - el viernes; Saturday - el sábado; and Sunday - el domingo.