Clay American System

Cards (12)

  • Clay's American system
    Plan to benefit the North, South and West (Effect of the War of 1812)
  • Clay's American system
    1. Establish a better transportation system
    2. Canals
    3. Roads
    4. Bridges
  • Clay's American system
    • Aids (helps) trade
    • Better for national defense
    • Created a second national bank to provide financial support
    • Could use currency
    • Regulate state banks
  • Industrial Revolution
    Revolution means to change from what you were doing to a new method
  • Neolithic Revolution
    • Move to growing food and producing food predictably
    • Led to cities and large populations
  • Industrial Revolution
    • Move from handmade products to machine and factory made products
    • Products became cheaper and there were more of them
  • Industrialization in America
    1. Started in Britain in the 1700's
    2. New Technologies reach the U.S.
    3. The North becomes an industrial center because of natural resources
  • The North becomes an industrial center because of natural resources like river system (power, transportation), bedrock ground (supports large factories)
  • The South remains agrarian
  • Transportation Revolution
    1. New Technologies stimulate growth of transportation
    2. Steam power
    3. Roads
    4. Canals
    5. Railroad
  • By 1840 the US leads the world with miles of track
  • Population Shift
    • Industry in North calls for more workers
    • More social mobility in the North
    • Southerners move into the North
    • Immigrants start arriving to work in factories