Protection: Provides a physical barrier against thermal and mechanical insults, such as friction, and against most potential pathogens and other material
Sensory: Allows skin to constantly monitor the environment, and various skin mechanoreceptors help regulate the body's interactions with physical objects
Thermoregulatory: Maintains a constant body temperature, thanks to the skin's insulating components and mechanisms for accelerating heat loss
Metabolic: Cells of skin synthesize vitamin D3
Sexual Signaling: Many features of skin, such as pigmentation and hair, are visual indicators of health involved in attraction between the sexes
Also called stratum germinativum, attached to basement membrane by hemidesmosome, forms epidermal ridges down into dermis, contains basal or germinative cells
Cells make a lot of keratin, a protein that provides water resistance and the foundation for hair and nails, contains granules filled with proteins and lipids important for skin barrier
Upper layer of the dermis, directly beneath the epidermis, composed of loose connective tissue, contains papillae (small finger-like projections that extend to the epidermis and contain capillaries that supply nutrients and oxygen to the epidermis)