Skin consists mainly of a superficial stratified squamous epithelium, the epidermis, and a thicker layer of connective tissue, the dermis, which overlies a subcutaneous hypodermis.
Consists of keratinocytes that undergo a terminal differentiation process called keratinization in a series of steps that form distinct epidermal strata or layers
Thinner layer of keratinocytes, now flattened and filled densely with keratohyalin granules containing filaggrin and other proteins binding the tonofibrils
Superficial layer that protects against water loss, friction, and microbial invasion, and consists of flattened, terminally differentiated cells, or squames, which are slowly lost
Enlarged and strengthened by interdigitating epidermal ridges or pegs and dermal papillae in which microvasculature also supplies nutrients and O2 for the epidermis
In the basal epidermis, synthesize dark melanin pigment in melanosomes and transport these to adjacent keratinocytes, which accumulate them to protect nuclear DNA from UV damage
Antigen-presenting cells called Langerhans cells form a network through the epidermis, intercepting and sampling microbial invaders before moving to lymph nodes in an adaptive immune response.
The dermis has two major layers: a superficial papillary layer or loose connective tissue with a microvascular plexus, and a thicker dense irregular reticular layer containing larger blood vessels.
Sensory receptors in the epidermis include free nerve endings, which detect pain and temperature extremes, and basal tactile or Merkel cells, light-touch receptors associated with sensory nerve fibers.
Other cutaneous sensory structures include Meissner corpuscles, encapsulated elliptical mechanoreceptors that surround sensory axons and detect light touch.
Deeper in the dermis and subcutaneous layer are lamellated or pacinian corpuscles, which are ovoid and much larger than Meissner corpuscles, for detection of pressure or firm touch.
Hair follicles
Structures in which keratinocytes comprising the matrix of the deep hair bulb proliferate rapidly and undergo keratinization to form the medulla, cortex, and cuticle of a hair root
Formed in a manner similar to hairs: keratinocytes proliferate in the matrix of the nail root and differentiate with the formation of hard keratin as a growing nail plate with edges covered by skinfolds
Produce sebum by terminal differentiation of sebocytes, the classic example of holocrine secretion, secreting this oily substance onto hair in the follicles or pilosebaceous units
Restricted to skin of the axillae and perineum, have much wider lumens than eccrine glands, develop after puberty, and secrete protein-rich sweat onto the hair of hair follicles