Imperative that we maintain temp stability – keep baby warm!
Observe, then complete least disruptive assessments, progressing to most disruptive
General appearance: Flexed posture, Coordinated movements, Count extremities, fingers, toes, Overall color of skin
Head: Molding, Fontanelles
Eyes/Ears/Mouth: Equal pupils, ear location, palate, reflexes (rooting and sucking), Epstein's pearls
Chest: Auscultate apical heart rate for one minute, Auscultate respirations for one minute—look, listen, feel
Abdomen: bowel sounds, number of vessels in cord (2 arteries, one vein)
Brachial pulses
Skin: Blanching on torso and thighs/knees, Lanugo (fine downy hair), Jaundice, Erythema Toxicum, Nevi variations, Acrocyanosis, Milia, Vernix
Genitalia: Edema of labia, scrotum, Descended testes
Back and Anus: Dimple at base of spine, Hip Dislocation, Ortolani's maneuver, Femoral Pulses