Some brands can be given IM or under the skin. Indications: Growth failure, Growth hormone deficiency, Intestinal disorder (short bowel syndrome), HIV-related weight loss or wasting, To increase height in children with certain disorders such as Noonan syndrome, Turner syndrome, idiopathic short stature. Side effects: Headache, Nausea, Vomiting, Tiredness, Muscle pain, Weakness. Serious side effects: Nausea/vomiting that doesn't stop, Development of limp, Unusual tiredness, Unexplained weight gain, Cold intolerance, Fast/slow heart beat, Ear pain, Hearing problems, Joint/hip/knee problems, Numbness/tingling, Increase in thirst and urination, Swelling hands/ankles/feet, Change in appearance or size of any mole, Abdominal pain.