Multicellular eukaryotes made up of various cell types that carry out specific functions
Two general types of plant tissue
Meristematic and Permanent Tissue
Cells of meristematic tissue are found in the
Plant regions of continous cell division and growth.
This cells are either undifferentiated or incompletely differentiated, and they continue to divide and contribute to the growth of the plant.
Meristematic Tissue Cells
This tissue is consist of plant cells that are no longer actively dividing.
Permanent Tissue
Meristematic tissue is consist of three types based on their location
Apical meristems- tips of stems and root;enable the plant to extend jn length.
Lateral meristems- facilitates growth in thickness and girth.
Intercalary Meristems- occur only in monocots, at the based of leaf blades, at nodes. It allows monocot leaf blade to increase in length from the leaf base
A permanent tissue that covers and protects the plant.
Dermal Tissue
Tissue that serves as a site for photosynthesis, provides a supporting matrix for the vascular tissue and helps to store water and sugars.
Ground tissue
Tissue that transport water,minerals and sugars to different parts of the plant.
Vascular tissue
Dermal tissue covers the plants and can be found on outer layer of roots, stems and leaves. What are its functions?
Transpiration, gas exhange and defense.
Example of a dermal tissue which is only one cell thuck and may contain, stomata, guard cells, root hairs and cuticle.
Epidermal tissue has this to increase surface area.
Root hairs
Epidermal tissue has this for transpiration or defense.
A waxy substance that aids in lowering transpiration.
It is the secondary growth of epidermis.
It is the first line of defense for the plant, potecting it from fire, heat injury, dehydratio , freezing conditions or disease.
Composition of Periderm
Cork Cambium- produce cork cells
Cork cells- dead at maturity
Ground tissue are cells that store molecule, photosynthesize such as mesophyll cells or support the plant. It is divided into three types. What are these?
Immediately after the epidermis, is a living tissue ghat has elongated elongated cells and an unevenly thickened primaty cell walls. Its main function is the mechanical support if young stems and leaves via turgor.
A dead upoortive tissue consist of long sclerenchyna fibers and sclerieds. Each cell has a unifomly thickened secondary cell wall that is rich in lignin. It provide support for older plant organs for example fruits before its ripening.
Sclerenchyma tissue
Spherical, elongated cells with a thin primary cell wall. It is a main component of young plant organs. Basic function is photoosynthesis and storage. They are important in regeneration as they are totipotent. They are widespread in plant body. They fill the lead frequent in stem cortex and pith and is a component of complex and vascular tissue.
Plumbing system of the plants consist of xylem and phloem.
Vascular Tissue
The xylem and phloem always lie what to each other?
In stems xylem and phloem form a structure called?
Vascular Bundle
In the roots the xylem and phloem form a structure called?
Vascular Steele
It transports water and minerals from the roots to the rest parts of the plant. It is dead at functional maturity.
It tranports sugars and other organic compound from photosynthetic tissue to different plant parts. Living at maturity.
The vascular tissue are encased in ground tissue and surrounded by?
Dermal tissue
Xylem transport substances here, which have a thin primary cell wall and thick secondary cell wall.
Tracheids and Vessel elements
Here the secondary wall us thin or missing allowing the water to flow laterally.
The xylem of angiosperms contains both types of tracheary elements:
Vessel elements and tracheids
This are stacked up top of each other and contain perforation plates in between cells.
Vessel elements
This are thinner compared to vessel elements and lcl perforation plates.
Thinned regions in the cell wall that allow movement of water between adjacent tracheart elements.
Conducting cells of xylem
Tracheary eleemnts
What is wider tracheids or vessel elements?
Vessel elements
If pit allows water to flow laterally, what allows water to flow vertically?
Perforation playes
Pit pairs
Adjacent celsl have pita in the sane location
Vessel elements are found only in angiosperms, while tracheids can be found in both angiosperms and?