Smooth muscle that controls the entry of pancreatic juice and bile into the small intestine
Exocrine dysfunction of the pancreas may be due to disorders of the pancreas itself, or to blockage of the main ducts which prevents the exocrine secretions reaching the duodenum
Duct blockage may also result in impaired bile flow from the liver and so cause jaundice
Pancreatic juice
Provides most of the important digestive enzymes
Contains HCO3- which helps provide the appropriate pH in the intestinal lumen for the enzymes to act on their nutrient substrates
The functional importance of the pancreas to the digestive processes can be illustrated by the problems arising in an individual suffering from chronic pancreatitis, a condition in which pancreatic tissue is destroyed
Exocrine tissue
Tubuloacinar glands organised like bunches of grapes
Surround the islets of Langerhans (endocrine tissue)
Endocrine tissue (islets of Langerhans)
Clusters of cells that secrete hormones like insulin and glucagon into the blood
The major endocrine cell types present are α, β, δ, and PP cells which secrete glucagon, insulin, somatostatin, and pancreatic polypeptide, respectively
Glucagon and insulin are taken up by the local blood vessels to act systemically, while somatostatin and pancreatic polypeptide act locally in a paracrine manner
Acinar cells
Nucleus at the base, cytoplasm in basal region contains rough endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria
Apical region contains Golgi apparatus and zymogen granules with digestive enzymes
Microvilli extend from apical surface into the lumen
Neighbouring cells joined by tight junctions (zonulae adherens)
Tight junctions (zonulae adherens)
Separate the fluid in the lumen of the acinus from the fluid in the intercellular spaces, permeable to water and ions but not macromolecules like digestive enzymes
Disruption of the tight junctions may be an aetiological factor in the development of chronic pancreatitis
Alkaline secretion
Secreted by the duct cells, rich in bicarbonate, helps provide the appropriate pH in the intestinal lumen for the enzymes to act
Enzyme-rich secretion
Secreted by the acinar cells, contains the digestive enzymes
If the ducts are ligated near the acini, the secretion of the alkaline component is largely unaltered, but the secretion of enzymes is markedly reduced
Pancreatic juice
Contains Na+, K+, HCO3-, Mg2+, Ca2+, Cl- and other ions, present in concentrations similar to those of plasma. It therefore resembles an ultrafiltrate of plasma. It is alkaline by virtue of its high HCO3- content.
Intercalated duct
Begins within the acinus, a unique feature of secretory glands. The duct cells within the acinus are known as centroacinar cells.
Intercalated ducts
Lined by flattened squamous epithelial cells. The neighbouring duct cells are joined by tight junctions which separate the duct lumen from the intercellular spaces and function to exclude large molecules from the spaces. They also have gap junctions which permit the transmission of membrane electrical changes between the cells.
Larger ducts
Contain interlobular connective tissue cells and APUD cells.
Functions of the alkaline pancreatic secretion
Neutralise the acid chyme arriving from the stomach, which is important for: 1) the pancreatic enzymes require a neutral or slightly alkaline pH for their activity, 2) the absorption of fat depends on the formation of micelles in the intestinal lumen, which only takes place at neutral or slightly alkaline pH, 3) it protects the intestinal mucosa from excess acid in the duodenum which can damage it and lead to ulcers.
Cellular mechanism of HCO3- secretion
CO2 and water react to form carbonic acid, catalysed by carbonic anhydrase II, 2) Carbonic acid dissociates to give HCO3- and H+, 3) HCO3- is secreted from the luminal membrane by Cl-/HCO3- exchange, 4) H+ is secreted into the blood.
For every HCO3- ion secreted into the duct lumen, one H+ ion is secreted into the blood, making the blood flowing through the pancreas transiently acidic.
In post-surgical conditions where the patient has a draining pancreatic fistula, the loss of HCO3- results in a metabolic acidosis.
A chloride conductance channel localised to the apical region of centroacinar and intralobular duct cells, which is coupled to the HCO3-/Cl- exchanger. Failure of this secretory mechanism is seen in cystic fibrosis.
Regulation of the CFTR Cl- channel
Via phosphorylation and dephosphorylation by protein kinase A and a phosphatase, which serves as a molecular switch involved in the gating of the channel, 2) Via activation by hydrolysis of ATP and other nucleotides.
Variation in pancreatic juice composition with flow rate
As flow rate increases, the HCO3- concentration increases and the Cl- concentration decreases, due to the action of ion exchange pumps. This makes the juice more alkaline at higher flow rates.
The changes in ionic composition with flow rate are due to transport systems in the membranes of the duct cells, which modify the primary alkaline secretion as it passes down the ducts.
Pancreatic duct cells
At high flow rates, the juice composition resembles the primary secretion more closely than juice secreted at low flow rates
Ion transport relationships in pancreatic duct cells
Proton pumps in apical tubulovesicles are translocated to basolateral surface and fuse with plasma membrane when cell is stimulated
H+ ions actively pumped out of cell into interstitial fluid
Cl- ions secreted into lumen via CFTR
Na+ and K+ reach pancreatic juice via paracellular route
Water flows down osmotic gradient either transcellularly or paracellularly
Na+/K+-ATPase pump in lateral borders of cell transports Na+ out and maintains low intracellular and high extracellular Na+ concentration
Na+/H+ exchange mechanism operates at basolateral pole to keep intracellular pH stable, but not activated during secretion
Cystic fibrosis
Autosomal recessive inherited disorder with defect in cyclic AMP-regulated chloride conductance via CFTR
In cystic fibrosis, defect in CFTR leads to defective secretion of bicarbonate and water, causing inspissated protein plugs that obstruct pancreatic ducts
In cystic fibrosis, reduced fluid secretion in gastrointestinal tract results in mucous plugging and intestinal obstruction (meconium ileus)
In cystic fibrosis, mucous plugging also blocks bronchioles, leading to recurrent respiratory infections and respiratory failure
Pancreatic enzymes
Major enzymes involved in digestion of foodstuffs, many secreted as inactive precursors
Mechanism of enzyme secretion in acinar cells
1. Enzymes/precursors synthesised on rough ER, released into ER cisternae
2. Buds containing enzymes/precursors form condensing vacuoles
3. Vacuoles migrate to luminal membrane and fuse, releasing contents by exocytosis
Activation of enzyme precursors
Trypsinogen converted to trypsin by enterokinase, then trypsin activates other precursors in catalytic chain reaction
Acute pancreatitis
Involves abnormal release of activated enzymes into pancreatic ducts, leading to autodigestion of tissue
Often associated with gallstones obstructing ampulla of Vater, allowing reflux of duodenal contents into pancreatic duct
Diagnosis of acute pancreatitis based on high blood and urine α-amylase levels, and hypocalcaemia