Cards (33)

  • The classification of organisms into respective groups has become an essential part of modern science
  • Every day, modern-day biologists discover new species of organisms that require proper description, naming, and classification
  • Taxonomy
    The classification of organisms into respective groups
  • Taxonomy
    • Identification of unique/distinctive characteristics of a specific taxon relative to other taxa
    • Discussion of the historical timeline of the development of taxonomy as a field of science
    • Enumeration of significant taxonomists who contributed to the field and description of their contributions
  • Functions of Taxonomy
    • Identification
    • Description
    • Classification
    • Nomenclature
  • Taxonomic descriptions

    Can be based on morphology, behavior, and genetic data
  • Plant habit
    An illustration of the plant's form, appearance, and morphology
  • Nomenclature
    A set of rules that are followed in properly naming organisms
  • Taxonomy
    Deals with the proper groupings of organisms based on their morphological, genetic, and evolutionary relatedness
  • Systematics
    Takes taxonomy a step further by attempting to determine evolutionary relationships between organisms
  • Shen Nong, an emperor from around 3000 BC, wrote one of the early written taxonomic accounts focused on medicinal plants
  • Shen Nong
    Considered the father of Chinese medicine who documented and identified hundreds of medicinal herbs
  • Shen Nong's work "Divine Husbandman's Materia Medica" documented a total of 365 medicines from identified plants and animals
  • In the Middle East (1500 BC), early Egyptians created illustrations of medicinal plants that were hand-painted on the wall and provided local names
  • Aristotle
    • Introduced the dichotomous concepts of taxonomy
    • Summarized his works in early taxonomy in the History of Animals where he classified organisms based on their similarities
    • Described the "ladder of nature" (Scala Naturae) where life forms can be ranked into an organized system
  • Theophrastus
    • Described 48 species of plants that he grouped according to growth form in his work "De Historia Plantarum"
  • Dioscorides
    • Described around 600 species and tried to classify plants based on their medicinal properties in his work "De Materia Medica"
  • Plinius
    • Described plants and provided them with Latin names in his work "Naturalis Historia", several of which are still recognized today
  • Caesalpino
    • Considered as the "the first taxonomist" who wrote "De Plantis" containing 1500 species of plants classified based on growth habit, fruit, and seed form
  • Bauhin Brothers
    • Wrote "Pinax Theatri Botanici" in 1623 which recognized the concept of genera and species as major taxonomic levels
  • John Ray
    • Established the concept of species as the ultimate unit of taxonomy and published "Methodus Plantarum Nova" identifying 18000 plant species
  • Joseph Pitton de Tournefort
    • Published "Institutiones Rei Herbariae" containing around 9000 species from 698 genera, emphasizing classification of plants based on genera
  • Carolus Linnaeus
    • Started the modern botanical and zoological taxonomy, earning him the moniker "Father of Taxonomy"
  • Linnaeus' works and contributions
    • Systema Naturae
    • Species Plantarum
    • Binomial Nomenclature System
    • Documentation of Species
  • Taxonomic descriptions can be based on morphology, behavior, and genetic data
  • Taxonomy deals with the identification of organisms
  • Carolus Linnaeus established the concept of species as the ultimate unit of taxonomy
  • Scientist
    • Aristotle
    • Bauhin Brothers
    • John Ray
  • Contribution
    • Aristotle's early classification system
    • Recognized the concept of genera and species
    • Established the concept of species as the ultimate unit of taxonomy
  • Taxonomy is the science of classifying and naming organisms
  • Taxonomy deals with the following functions: Identification of organisms, Naming of organisms, Classification of organisms
  • Evidence of early taxonomy can be seen in China and Egypt, where early civilizations documented and identified medicinal plants
  • Significant taxonomists who contributed major works in the development of the field
    • Aristotle
    • Theophrastus
    • Dioscorides
    • Plinius
    • Caesalpino
    • Bauhin Brothers
    • John Ray
    • Joseph Pitton de Tournefort
    • Carolus Linnaeus